chapter 05.

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Geumwook sighs, as he was sitting on the park, holding on a popsicle that his hyung bought in the closest convenience store.

The hyung who was scolding at him earlier was buying him an ice cream as a apology for scolding him, and also for intruding at his personal life. But Geumwook agreed, he knew that what he was doing was stupid since he himself doesn't what he was doing neither, yet he feels like he was possessed by someone, someone who knew who he was and knew what to do.

His hyung was sitting beside him, or better yet his sunbae. Geumwook met him when he was 10 and him 14 in his mothers flowershop. At that time he wanted to get some money to buy a gift for his mom as her birthday was coming up but sadly, his parents died in a tragic accident, and his mother took him in as Geumwooks mom and his mom were best friend.

Geumwooks mother let him work in the flowershop to keep an eye of him and to help Geumwook to run it when he gets older.

They were considered 'step brothers', they are not blood related, no same dad nor mom yet, they were closer than his real parents. Of course Geumwook loves his mom and dad but he also adored his hyung. He knew his hyung was kind, adorable, generous,smart, doesn't really raise his voice, and understanding. So it kinda broke his heart when his hyung scolded at him, not knowing the reason, but it's not his hyungs fault, as Geumwook also don't know the reason of his sudden actions.

His hyung broke the silence " Geumi shi, I'm really, really sorry for yelling at you a few minutes ago, I'm just worried about you. You worked so hard to save money and don't get me wrong, I'm happy about it. But please, don't do things that could decline your health for it" his hyung said as he took Geumwooks hand and caresses it

Geumwook smiled and shooked his head, " it's really fine hyung. And besides, I'm happy that you're worried about me and scolded me for my wrong actions, I'll try to not do it again" Geumwook said with a smile. Although his hyung wasn't convinced, he knew that his little brother was sad for being scolded when all he did was try to save money to buy or do something. He just doesn't want Geumwook to suffer from his decisions like not eating or exerting his physical being just to get something. He hated that trait the most, because that was the reason why his parents died.

Because of him, his parents drove to pick him up only to get into that accident, he blamed himself for being a burden, he blamed himself for doing something extra that his parents had to adjust and drive to him only to die.
He was afraid his little brother might experience that, he doesn't want his teddy bear to experience that.

He looked at Geumwook who was still smiling, a tear fell as he hugged Geumwook tightly, never wanting to let go.


Nicky sighs, as he squinted his eyes at the brunette guy who was pacing back and forth to his room, irritated by his presence.

He scratched his head before telling him,b"You know, you can do anything you want, you can annoy me, pester me, drag me to a flowershop, sure I'll come, but coming here in my room just to go back in forth looking like an idiot is something I will not tolerate" Nicky said as he stood up from his bed, pushed Gyueum to the door but Gyueum stopped him.

Gyueum ran to Nicky's bed laughing, as Nicky was trying to catch him to threw him out of the room. He sat in the bed and layed down, and put his hand in his chin again. Deep in thought until Nicky pushed him again in the shoulder, making Gyueum Yelp.

"Can't you see that I'm thinking?!" Gyueum elaborated " Oh, I didn't know you had a brain" Gyueum rolled his eyes as he sat up and asked, "Nicky, how do you think I should approach Seo In?"

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