S1 E16 (part one)

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|Season 1, Episode 16|
(Segment 1)
[The episode starts off with Luna in a Hot Topic looking at a shirt that says "Hail Trash" with an opossum inside a garbage can and a pentagram behind it. Teruhashi walked up to Luna and looked at the shirt]

**Teruhashi:** Oh, that's such a cute shirt, Luna! *That shirt is so ugly! I can't believe people would let a shirt with a pentagram on it inside of any store!*
**Luna:** Koko, I know you're lying.

**Teruhashi:** W-What?! Y-you must be bluffing. I would never lie to you!
**Luna:** Yes you would. I can hear it in your voice. If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all about my funny pun-y shirt. And the only reason why people allow this satanic shirt here is because we're in hell.

[Teruhashi turned around to see bug like demons waltzing around the store ever so casually.]
**Teruhashi:** Oh, right. Since this is you uncle's mall, do we get free stuff here?
**Luna:** Oh, hell yeah, we do! Tío Beezle is cool as hell. He'll give me anything for free. And, just saying, if you ever want to say something rude about someone, talk to me about. I will gladly talk shit about people with you. Come on, let's go to the food court.

[Luna grabbed Teruhashi's hand and took her out of the store. Teruhashi's face turned completely red once Luna touched her hand]
**Teruhashi:** *Oh my gosh, Luna's holding my hand! Wait, why am I getting so flustered! This is nothing! She's just holding my hand as a friend! Instead of focusing on Luna, I should just focus on all the people who will be adoring me soon enough!*

[Luna brought Teruhashi up to the fifth floor via elevator and took her to a small little cafe in the food court. Once Teruhashi and Luna sat down, Teruhashi looked around the cafe for any admirers about to approach, but she saw nothing. Teruhashi let out a disappointed sigh and picked at the little slice of cake on her plate]

**Luna:** No offense, Kokomi, but nobody is really going to notice you here. It's hell. No one gives a shit!... Well, not unless it's actual shit. But, if it's any consolation, I still think you're beautiful. And if a demon calls you ugly, don't take it personally. Trust me, it's hard to find someone actually pretty down here in hell. Well, unless you're in the lust ring, but I'm not letting you go there. Just, chin up a bit, alright? We're going to have a fun time, just you and I!

[Luna placed her hand on Teruhashi's and gave her a sincere smile. A small blush appeared on Teruhashi's face as she smiled back at Luna. A crowd of bug demons surrounded Luna and Teruhashi]

**Teruhashi:** *There my admirers are! Granted, they're not the prettiest, but they're here to bask in my beauty nonetheless!*
**Bee demon:** Princess! Can you autograph my forehead?
**Fly demon:** No! Autograph my stomach!
**Beetle demon:** No! Carve your name on my wings!

**Teruhashi:** *Now they're calling me "princess!" I've never had one of my faithful followers asked for my name to be carved into their body, but I guess I'll give it a try! That only proves how much everyone loves me! I really am the perfect pretty girl!*

**Luna:** Oh, shit! Damn, calm down, dude. I'm not- I don't- I don't think I wanna carve my name into your wings. You don't wanna carve someone's name into your skin. Trust me, I know. I've done the same stupid thing.

[A black sharpie appeared in Luna's left hand with a little 'poof' sound and a small, pink cloud of smoke]
**Luna:** So which one of you degenerates are going first?

**Teruhashi:** *W-What?! They were talking to her?? I knew Luna was famous, but I thought no amount of fame could possibly outshine me!!*

[Demons shoved Teruhashi off of her chair and down to the floor so they can get closer to Luna. Teruhashi yelped and she was tossed around, but then, she was caught. A sweet, candy like scent filled her nostrils, soft hands caught her, and strong arms secured her into a grasp so she wouldn't make an impact on the ground.]
**Teruhashi:** *Finally! A man that can save me from this! Oh, and he smells so sweet too! He must be very handsome!*

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