a walk in the park - 🍀🎸

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transferred from "a generic style one-shots book"

originally written - 7/27/23

this is pretty old and i honestly forgot i even wrote this, but i put it here anyways just for archival purposes because even if its kind of bad (imo), i still think its at least a little good and shows my improvement with writing stuff like this over time.


Stan was simply doodling on his paper, zoning out during class to wait for the bell.

All day Stan has been waiting for a perfect opportunity to tell his best friend something that's been stuck on his mind for years.

And he's been practicing on how he'd phrase it to Kyle; but as he doodled on, he thought of a new possibility.

What if I just took Kyle to the park or something... it's quiet enough so maybe I could tell him there.

Before Stan could continue on his train of thought, the bell rung.

Well, shit

Stan walked in the hallways, before almost sprinting over to his favorite person and embracing him into a hug.

"Hi ky!" Stan smiled.

"Hey stan." Kyle smiled back at Stan.

The two hugged for a bit, well mostly Stan, but they eventually parted.

"Kyle, are uh, are you free tonight?" Stan rubbed the back of his neck, somehow already feeling like this was a horrible idea to go through with.

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"I was wondering if you'd be down to just...walk with me to Stark's pond or... something."

"Oh, sure dude."

"After school?" Stan asked Kyle.



There was a knock at Kyle's door, and he answered it to find a very overly excited Stan waiting for him.

"You ready?" Stan was just so tempted to start dragging Kyle with him to whatever shenanigans he had planned.

Kyle nodded, waving off to Ike who wasn't paying attention to him as he was watching Markiplier on his iPad or something.

Stan heard Kyle mutter something about how he kind of hated how Ike was becoming an ipad kid, and how he's been doing it for a while.

But, Stan wasn't really paying attention; cause he was just staring at Kyle as they walked to their destination.

Stan couldn't help but admire Kyle's green eyes, the curly red hair poking out from his hat...

Wait no...

That's gay


Okay.. that was a stupid thought

Kyle eventually noticed Stan's apparent staring, and nudged his side.
"Dude, you're staring."

Stan blinked, snapping out of his trance and shook his head around a bit. "O-oh- I was?"


There was a silence between them, before Kyle eventually broke the ice.

"Besides, we're already here.."

It took Stan a moment to realize, and just awkwardly chuckled.

"So, was there any reason you wanted to bring me here? Cause I feel like there's a reason." Kyle crossed his arms, looking at Stan.

"Yeah..uh, I need to tell you something important"

Kyle raised a brow, waiting for Stan to continue. Stan sighed, this would be it, it was time to tell him.

"Kyle, ... I love you."

Stan hesitantly waited for Kyle's answer, quickly adding; "it's fine if you don't feel the same- I just- had to mention it."

Kyle's look seemed to soften, looking at Stan. "This- this isn't a joke... right?"

Stan shook his head.

Kyle looked astounded, unsure what to say, having to think about what to say to Stan for a moment.


After a moment or so of them just standing there in silence, Kyle finally spoke up.

"Yeah...I think, I like you too."

Stan's face lit up, finally looking at Kyle. "Really?"

Kyle nodded slowly, small amounts of blush krept onto his cheeks.

Stan couldn't believe this was happening...it felt all so surreal.

Stan eventually moved to go sit on a log, inviting Kyle to sit next to him, which Kyle did.

Stan didn't know exactly what else to say, and could only zone out, this felt like a dream, he couldn't believe this was happening.

Kyle looked at Stan's spaced out look, chuckling slightly at how dumb he looked. He eventually noticed that Stan had laid his head on Kyle's shoulder without warning.

Kyle felt like his face got warmer and his heartbeat faster. There was just something about Stan being with him like this that Kyle felt like could never be replaced.

After a few moments, Stan looked like he regained a sense of consciousness, and looked up at Kyle. "..so,"


"Does this mean we're like... y'know.."

"Maybe." Kyle smiled and gently put an arm around Stan, looking off into the distance.

"So, does this mean that..I can call you my boyfriend? We can make it.. official?" Stan asked hopefully, his eyes looked up at Kyle waiting for what he'd say.

It took Kyle a minute to process what Stan just asked him, until Kyle finally replied.

"Sure, man." Kyle sounded a little like he was joking around, but there was a sense of seriousness behind his voice.

Stan just smiled he seemed to be enjoying the moment just as much as Kyle.

It seemed like the two's future was going to be

A walk in the park.

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