the science project - 🍀💫

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just thought of this while bored in class one day; transferred this over from google docs.


Craig had always secretly admired Kyle from afar, mainly during their shared classes–science and gym. Craig had broken up with Tweek in eighth grade, figuring that it just, "wouldn't work out." and after this, he seemed to set his sights on Kyle Broflovski. The smart, tall ginger kid that also happened to rip him off of $100 when they were 9.
    Despite Craig's obvious staring throughout the majority of highschool and soon always picking Kyle for their teams in gym class, Kyle was nothing but oblivious of Craig's feelings–though he harbored some of his own for the noirette, although he'd never admit it himself.

The two never interacted much until when they were assigned to work together for a science project. Craig couldn't have been happier–but he didn't want Kyle to notice his excitement (not that he would).                   
Once the rest of the class was paired with their partners for their projects, they had some time to sit by their partner and discuss what they were going to do. Craig took this as an opportunity to talk to Kyle, let alone sit next to him.

"...Hey." Great start Craig, you really impressed him. The shorter thought as he looked at Kyle. His expression barely showed that he was a nervous wreck around him, neither did his unchanging, monotone, nasally voice. "Hey, uh, do you have an idea what we're going to do for this? or.." Kyle responded, turning his attention to Craig as the taller stuffed his books back into his bag.

There wasn't much time until the bell would ring, signaling lunch and Craig being separated from next to the boy he (secretly) loved. "Uh..can- are you free this weekend?" The shorter asked, stumbling over his words slightly. He hoped the other hadn't noticed. Kyle nodded. "Yeah I'm free, why?"

"I was just wondering if- uh, you wanted to come over to mine to discuss...stuff."

"Oh, sure dude." Kyle responded. To Craig's surprise, Kyle sounded so...eager to basically hangout with him as he accepted the offer.


"Saturday sounds good."

Not a moment after they made plans, the bell had finally rung. Craig didn't say anything to Kyle as he got up to leave, he normally didn't anyways.

As Craig made it to lunch and sat down at his table, he couldn't keep it in anymore. He hid his face in his hands as he blushed, his mind going a million miles per second with one thought circling his head; Kyle. His friends at the table around him looked confused as this wasn't like Craig. They only saw him do this with Tweek when they were still together, now this was just plain weird. His friends collectively speculated that Craig had a thing for someone and they were going to find out who.

Tolkien decided to break the ice, starting, "Hey...Craig?" As Tolkien spoke, Craig lifted his head from his hands for a moment. His face said it all as it looked almost as red as a tomato. Clyde snickered a bit as he looked at Craig. The noirette simply flipped him off.

Tolkien took a moment to wait for Clyde to stop snickering before continuing. "We...noticed that you're acting odd lately–" "Yooo Craig, you have a crush on someone?" Clyde interrupted, cutting him off. The taller of the four sighed, before continuing his thought again. "...What I was trying to say before Clyde interrupted me was...We noticed you're acting strange and we just want to know why."

Craig seemed to consider what he said, raising an eyebrow for a moment before lowering it shortly after. "You don't wanna know, dude. You'll probably end up using it against me and making fun of me for it." He added the last part, looking at Clyde specifically. Clyde huffed.

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