It started out fine..

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(Picture above is Zero and I)

It started out like any normal day for me, wake up, listen to my neighbors arguing like an old couple should, and feed my fluffy white cat, Zero.

I go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat, a sandwich and chips is simple enough for me.

I barely eat a meal a day it seems, but I make it work on my wages.

Getting back to the living room, I sit on the couch and turn on Toriko, one of my favorite anime I've been watching lately.
I decided to start the show over since I love rewatching series.

Starting the show, I suddenly feel tired and lay down, watching the opening music video as my eyes start to slowly close without me even noticing till I'm fully asleep.

Not knowing that when I woke up, everything would be so so different.

Dreaming blissfully unawares, I wake up to Zero jumping on my stomach and start rubbing his head against mine.

"Ok, Zero, calm down. I'm awake, I'm awake." I get up and look down at him, before blinking and rubbing my eyes, looking down again at my little cat who seemed to have grown over a foot or so, his white fur fluffy and tail so long it could wrap around my body twice.

"What the freaking?!" Getting up so quick, Zero jumps off of me and goes to the windows, meowing at me. I follow him and look out the windows.

Staring outside into a forest which seems to have come out of nowhere, I blank faced my cat, who seemed to enjoy my puzzlement over this as he was moving his tail slowly back and forth watching me.

I quickly change into some black leggings and a long sleeve red shirt with black flame designs on it. I grab my shoes and head outside, opening my front door and letting Zero out as he waiting on me, we normally go on walks in the small town I lived in but since this is a forest, I suppose it's alright to treat that like normal. 

He sits by my feet as I look around, not believing my eyes as I watched butterfly's and other insects that look especially weird and nothing like the ones back home. Some small creatures that looked like rabbits with scales were chewing on some grass beside the house before noticing me and hopping away, leaving me and Zero alone.

I looked at my house, and it still looked the same as before with the patchy roof and old bench in the front. Walking into the backyard with Zero on my heels following me. My small garden was there too, full of life and growing greatly like before I fell asleep. I walked around back to the front, giving up on figuring out what happened and where i am at the moment, an went back inside.

Hearing the TV on, I sat back down on the couch for a minute watching the news, starring owlsy at the Brown haired brown eyed woman on the screen, talking about food and yummy treats.

'Why does the news woman look like Tina from Toriko? I definitely wasn't on this episode anytime soon nor seen this scene yet' I thought to myself, ' I could have traveled thro the anime dimensions but that's only in fanfiction, there's no way I actually traveled here tho, nope no way.'

But listening to more and more of the TV, I realized 'I'm actually in Toriko, the cooking world and from how it seems it's almost the beginning of the series, wait did I transport here when I started the show over?'

Looking at Zero who was laying on my lap now, I rubbing his head and felt two little bumps, looking past his fluffy fur, I saw two little horns on his head, colored white to match his fur color. Also..

Gasping, I pulled my hand back, looking at my nails which had formed into sharp claws, I open the purse next to the couch and get out my hand mirror, opening it and seeing myself for the first time.

Staring back at myself was a brown eyed girl who had dark brown hair with red and black low lights running thro it and a mouth with two small fangs.

"Well, Zero, if you changed and i changed, i wonder.. I've always wanted cool powers back home, maybe here I'll get my wish." It probably looked weird to anybody else, but Zero and I have always been able to understand each other since I got him from the pound.

Standing up, I stretched and made my way outside again, closing the door after Zero and just started walking in a random direction.

Wanting to explore around my house and taking note of any small creatures and landmarks to help me find my way later, I quickly notice someone walking thro the woods, more so I can hear them better then I thought I possibly could.

Moving forward, I made myself trip out of the bushes, acting like I got stuck, and accidentally bumped my head on the ground.

"Hey, are you okay?" I look up and come face to face with a black haired young boy shorter than me, who if I wasn't mistaken, was Komatsu. He was wearing a nice suit which was weird for being in the woods.

Standing up, I dust myself off and offer my hand, which he takes. "Hi, I'm Stacy and this is my cat Zero, I'm fine, thanks for asking, we're new around this neck of the woods. You are?"

He shakes my hand while looking down at Zero, "My name is Komatsu, what type of creature is this, he doesn't look like a normal cat?"

I laugh,"Oh he is indeed, he's just big for being a cat, honestly he might be mixed with something but I adopted him years ago so I don't know, why are you here if you don't mind me asking?"

He suddenly looks determined "I'm looking for one of the heavenly kings Toriko, my job has requested him to hunt down an ingredient for the IGO."

Smiling, I nod. "That's actually pretty cool, mind if I tag along, honestly I might be lost haha, I just know where my house is around here but I'm new to everything else."

He grins, "Sure, I would love some company with me, I still have a good walk ahead if you don't mind, let's go." He starts walking and Zero jumped in my arms before laying down on my shoulder, before I follow Komatsu to who knows where.

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