9. Weak At The Knees

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I sat in a wooden black folding chair, my hands folded neartly on my lap with a black hat that had a brim wide enough to hide my face from peering eyes. I sat at the back, rather than the front of the seating area. I had a sleek black dress on, accompanied by jet black ballet flats. My hair curled and no makeup needed, I kept my head down as I waited in silence for the dreaded thing to be over.

                My head shot up in surprise when I heard the next person speak at the podium.

                “Arnold Emerson was a very close friend of mine. I was romantically involved with his daughter, Bryn, before her disappearance. I just…I wish there was some way to let her know of his fate.” He caught my gaze, pushing away a twitched smile as he continued on. “Mr. Emerson was a kind man, one with welcoming arms towards anyone who would come into his home. I only hope that he can find peace now, with both his wife and his daughter.”

                He left the stage, and as Derek sensed my thoughts, he squeezed my hand. I pulled away, flinching at his touch. I knew he didn’t want to be here, but I couldn’t come alone.

                After the service was over, I walked quickly behind James and two of his pack members as they strolled into the woods.                 Chucking my hat to the side, I spun him around, but was taken by surprise as he pinned me to the floor. Derek lunged at him, but the other two members stepped in front of him. He hesitated before stepping back, his gaze craning to see me.

                “What do you want?” I hissed.

                “Oh, babe, no need to be so angry.” He grinned. In response, I spat into his face. He cringed, wiping it away as he turned back to me, ticked off.

                “I said, what do you want?”

                “What do you mean?” He asked innocently.

                “You didn’t mean a single goddamn word that you spoke in front of his casket. You disgraced him!” I cried. He tightened his grip around my throat, making every inch of my body grow tense as my eyes widened with fear.

                “See? Now you’re properly frightened. You’re right, Bryn. I didn’t mean a single word that I drooled out at that worthless funeral. Who was there, maybe all of ten people? He wasn’t loved, he wasn’t wanted. He was the town drunk for God’s sake. But I mean this.” He leaned in, kissing me passionately. For a moment, I was weak at the knees, but regained my sanity as I kneed him in the gut. He had the wind knocked out of him, but quickly came back as he plastered that evil grin back on his face. 

                “Now, there’s no need to get feisty.” He grinned, stabbing my abdomen with his claws. I screamed out in pain, causing         Derek to shift. His pack members did the same, and held him back as he struggled to get free.

                “I’ll do it.” I squeaked. “I’ll come with you, just let Derek go.” I pleaded.

                “I’ll wait in the car, beautiful.” He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. They weren’t the good kind, either.

                As the pack left, I ran in to Derek’s arms as I wove my arms around his neck. I whimpered into his chest as he buried his face in my hair.

                “I’ll get us a way out of this, Bryn.” He murmured.

                “I thought you were mad at me.” I replied, wiping tears from my cheeks. He caught a falling tear with his thumb, wiping it from my face.

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