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The next morning, Ava woke up with a knot of nerves tightening in her stomach. Her first day of college in Italy had arrived, and with it, the overwhelming uncertainty of fitting into a completely new environment. She stared at her wardrobe, debating endlessly over what to wear. Nothing seemed right. Her fingers brushed over dress after dress, but each option felt too formal, too plain, or too over-the-top for a casual college day.

She sighed and finally decided on something simple: a pair of blue jeans and an oversized baby pink sweater. The sweater was comfortable and loose, giving her the security she needed while still making her feel stylish. The weather was colder than she'd expected, so it felt like a good choice. Ava left her hair down, letting the natural waves frame her face. A touch of light makeup—just enough to brighten her face—completed the look. She hoped it would help her feel a bit more confident.

As she packed her backpack with notebooks and pens, ready to head out, the chauffeur appeared at the door. "Miss Ava, would you like me to drive you to the college?"

She shook her head quickly, blushing slightly. "No, thank you. I'll walk. It's not far, and I...I like the fresh air." The truth was, Ava felt shy. She didn't want to make a grand entrance, arriving at school in a luxury car, already feeling like the outsider.

The walk to campus was calming, the crisp morning air filling her lungs as she moved through the quiet streets of the small Italian town. The closer she got to the university, the more bustling it became. Students hurried past in groups, chatting animatedly, while others strolled alone, lost in their thoughts. Ava felt a sense of thrill wash over her. She had dreamt of this moment—finally stepping into a world of academia, surrounded by people who shared her passion for history.

The college itself was a sprawling, ancient structure, its old stone walls covered in ivy, its tall windows looking out over courtyards filled with students. The buildings seemed like something from a different era, steeped in history and tradition. As she entered the main hall, she was struck by the grandeur of it all. The ceilings were high and arched, the walls lined with old paintings and statues of scholars and historical figures. The air smelled faintly of old books and polished wood, and she could hear the murmur of students filling the large space, getting ready for the day's lectures.

Her first lecture was held in a small, intimate classroom, with wooden desks arranged in rows facing a blackboard. The professor—a stern-looking woman with wire-rimmed glasses—was already scribbling notes on the board when Ava entered. She slipped into a seat at the back of the room, hoping not to draw attention to herself. The course was on ancient civilizations, and as the lecture began, Ava found herself absorbed in the material. This was what she loved—history unfolding before her, stories of the past coming to life.

By the time she attended all her lectures, the sun was already setting, casting a golden glow over the college buildings. Ava felt exhausted but exhilarated. As she gathered her things, she noticed a girl approaching her.

"Hi," the girl said with a warm smile. She was tall and striking, with long dark hair that reminded Ava of her sister, Alvia. "I noticed we have a few classes together. I'm Catherine."

Ava smiled back, feeling a sudden rush of relief at the friendly gesture. "I'm Ava. It's my first day, so I'm still trying to get the hang of everything."

Catherine grinned. "First day's always the hardest. What are you studying?"

"History," Ava said, her eyes lighting up. "What about you?"

"Same here! Ancient civilizations and medieval studies, mostly," Catherine replied. "Looks like we'll be seeing a lot of each other. Want to grab coffee sometime?"

Ava's heart lifted. She had made a friend. "I'd love that," she said, her smile widening. For the first time since arriving, she felt a flicker of belonging.

The two chatted a bit more before parting ways, and Ava made her way back to the mansion, her mind buzzing with the day's events. She felt happy, fulfilled even. Meeting Catherine had made the day feel brighter, and she realized that maybe, just maybe, she could find her place here.

When she arrived home, the mansion felt as quiet as ever. She headed straight to her room, eager to unwind. After a long shower, she changed into her favorite pajamas, the ones covered in little cartoon bears. They made her feel comforted, a small piece of home in a foreign place.

Just as she was about to head downstairs for dinner, one of the maids knocked softly on her door. "Miss Ava, Master Di Luca will be arriving shortly for dinner," she said.

Ava froze, her stomach clenching with nerves. She hadn't met Elias Di Luca yet, and the thought of dining with him made her uneasy. She had been enjoying the solitude, the quiet of the house, and now the reality of living under his roof was about to hit.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded. "Thank you, I'll be down soon," she said, her voice a little shaky.

She glanced at herself in the mirror—still in her bear pajamas, hair damp from the shower. What should she wear? She hadn't expected to meet him so soon. With a sigh, she realized she didn't have time to change into anything too formal. But this wasn't the time for bear-covered pajamas either. Feeling the tension build, she decided to go for something casual yet neat.

With butterflies in her stomach, she slowly made her way downstairs, ready to face whatever this evening might bring.

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