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As the days melted into weeks, Ava felt the weight of the passing year pressing heavily on her chest. More than twelve months had slipped away since she moved into the Di Luca mansion, and during that time, her feelings for Elias had blossomed into something deeper and more intense than she had ever imagined. Yet, the impending departure for college loomed like an unyielding storm cloud, a constant reminder of the time slipping through her fingers. If she didn't act soon, she would leave without ever knowing what might have been between them, and that thought gnawed at her insides.

Sitting in her room one afternoon, she found herself staring out of the window at the sprawling garden below, where the sun dipped low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow. She watched as the flowers danced in the light breeze, their vibrant colors a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within her heart. What if I never see him again? The thought was unsettling, bringing a rush of anxiety. What if I leave without ever knowing what could happen between us?

Catherine's earlier words echoed in her mind: "Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith." But how? What kind of leap could bridge the chasm of uncertainty that lay between her and Elias? The more she thought about it, the more determined she became. I have to do something.

Ava picked up her phone and texted Catherine, her fingers trembling with anticipation. "Can we talk? I need your advice."

Moments later, her phone buzzed with Catherine's enthusiastic reply: "Of course! Let's meet up later. I have some ideas!"

When they gathered later that day, Ava spilled her heart to Catherine, her pulse quickening with every word. "I really like Elias, but I don't know how to tell him. What should I do?" The confession hung in the air, heavy with unspoken feelings.

Catherine's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, have you thought about wearing something sexy and maybe kissing him? That'll definitely get his attention!"

Ava's cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Kiss him? But I've never kissed anyone before! What if I mess it up? The very idea made her stomach churn, a mix of thrill and fear. "Catherine! That's— I mean, I can't just kiss him out of nowhere!"

"Why not? You have feelings for him! You've been tiptoeing around this for long enough. If you don't make a move, you might leave without knowing what could have been. Just think about it."

The prospect of wearing something daring and expressing her feelings sent her heart racing. But what if he doesn't feel the same way? Ava felt the weight of that fear pressing down on her. She didn't want to risk their friendship, but the thought of leaving without trying haunted her.

"Okay, but what should I wear?" she finally asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Let's go shopping!" Catherine exclaimed, her excitement infectious. "We'll find you the perfect dress!"

The next day, they set off for the boutique, a sense of anticipation buzzing in the air. As they entered, Ava was greeted by an array of colorful fabrics, flowing gowns, and stylish ensembles. Catherine led the way, her eyes scanning the racks, searching for the ideal outfit that would transform Ava into the confident woman she yearned to be.

"Let's start with something classic!" Catherine suggested, pulling a vibrant red dress from a rack. It was an elegant off-the-shoulder design that hugged the mannequin's curves perfectly.

Ava felt the allure of the dress but also the pressure of wearing something so bold. What if Elias thinks I'm trying too hard? "It's beautiful, but it seems too bold for me. I'm not sure I can pull it off."

Catherine rolled her eyes playfully. "You can pull off anything! Just try it on."

Reluctantly, Ava took the dress into the fitting room. As she slipped it on, she marveled at the way it hugged her waist and accentuated her figure. Standing in front of the mirror, she felt a flicker of excitement but also a pang of self-doubt. This isn't me. When she stepped out to show Catherine, her friend gasped in delight. "See? You look incredible! This is the one!"

Yet, despite the compliments, Ava hesitated. "I don't know... it feels too much like a statement."

Catherine's encouraging smile faded slightly, but she was undeterred. "It's a perfect statement! But let's keep looking. There's plenty more to try."

They moved to a different section of the boutique, where Catherine picked up a soft lavender dress that cascaded to the floor. "This is lovely," she said, holding it up against Ava. The fabric was light and flowy, creating a romantic silhouette.

Ava loved the color, but it felt too safe, too gentle for the bold step she needed to take. I need something that makes him see me differently,she thought. "It's pretty, but I need something that feels a bit more comfortable."

"Got it! Let's keep going!" Catherine beamed, her enthusiasm unwavering.

After trying on a few more dresses—a playful, flirty mini that felt too youthful, a classy fitted gown that felt too formal—they finally stumbled upon a rack in the corner. Hanging there was a striking black dress that caught Ava's eye. It had a deep V-neckline and a fitted silhouette that flowed into a tiny skirt, making it daring yet sophisticated.

"This is the one!" Catherine exclaimed, pulling it off the rack and holding it up against Ava. "You have to try this!"

Ava felt a flutter of anxiety as she took the dress into the fitting room. The moment she slipped it on, her heart raced with a mix of exhilaration and dread. The fabric hugged her body in a way that felt both empowering and terrifying. Standing in front of the mirror, she caught a glimpse of herself—this was a new Ava, one who dared to be bold.

When she stepped out, Catherine's eyes widened. "Oh my gosh, Ava! You look absolutely stunning! This is perfect!"

But as she looked in the mirror again, doubts crept in. What if I look too much like I'm trying to impress him? What if he thinks I'm not serious? "I don't know... it feels too revealing. What if Elias thinks I'm trying too hard?"

"Trust me," Catherine replied, her eyes sparkling with encouragement. "You look amazing, and this dress says you're confident and ready to take on the world! Just think about how Elias will react."

Ava took a deep breath, her heart racing at the thought of Elias's reaction. Will he finally see me as more than just the girl who lives in his house? For a brief moment, excitement surged through her, battling against her fear. "Okay, you're right. Let's go for it."

With the dress purchased, Ava felt a mix of anticipation and anxiety building inside her. As they left the boutique, Catherine squeezed her arm. "You're going to knock his socks off! Just remember what we talked about—if you feel confident, it'll show."

As the day approached for her dinner with Elias, Ava felt a rising tide of nerves. She knew she wanted to look her best, but when it came to makeup, she felt uneasy. Sitting in front of the mirror, she studied her reflection. Do I really need all of this? The thought of layering on foundation and bold lipstick made her anxious.

Catherine, noticing her hesitation, stepped in with a knowing smile. "Ava, let's keep it simple. You don't need a full face of makeup to look beautiful. You're already stunning, and I think it would be great to enhance your natural beauty instead."

Ava nodded, relief flooding her as she considered the idea. "You really think so?"

"Absolutely!" Catherine replied, her voice encouraging. "Let's go for a fresh look—just some light foundation, a hint of blush, and a touch of mascara. It'll make your eyes pop without overwhelming your features."

With Catherine's guidance, Ava let go of her apprehensions. She started with a light foundation that smoothed over her skin, giving her a natural glow. As she applied a soft blush, she couldn't help but smile at how easy and light it felt.

"See? You look radiant," Catherine said, standing behind her and admiring their work.

Next, they focused on her eyes. A sweep of mascara accentuated her lashes, making her blue eyes sparkle. Ava felt a growing confidence as she saw her reflection transform. She hadn't realized how beautiful she could feel with such minimal makeup. This is me, she thought, her heart swelling with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As they finished, Catherine handed Ava a delicate necklace to wear, a simple piece that glimmered softly against her collarbone. "This will add a touch of elegance," she said with a wink.

Finally ready, Ava took a deep breath, her heart racing with anticipation. She had dressed to impress but stayed true to herself, and for the first time, she felt the thrill of possibility. Tonight could change everything.

As she entered the dining room that evening, the sight of Elias sitting at the table sent a rush of nerves through her. What if I say something stupid? What if he doesn't feel the same way? He looked up as she entered, and for a moment, time stood still. His eyes widened, and she could see the surprise and admiration in his gaze, and her heart fluttered. 

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