You're Supernatural (2/11)

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You're Supernatural

Derek: Witch |Today was the day you were finally gonna tell Derek that you were a witch. You could control the elements and you also think he was starting to get suspicious. You knew he was a werewolf and he had no problem telling you, but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him what you were.

"Derek?!?" You called out into his loft, knowing that if he was here, he would already know that you were here, you just wanted to let him know it was you.

"Upstairs!" He calls back. You slowly make your way upstairs, elongating your time before you have to tell him. You knew that it would only make it harder to say it, but you were scared of his reaction. What if he didn't want to be with you anymore.

"I need to talk to you about something." You say, and you're pretty sure he can hear your heart rate increasing, and smell your anxiety.

"What is it?" He says worried that you might be talking about something else.

"It's nothing like that, I'm not breaking up with you or anything... But you might wanna break up with me when you hear it." You mumble the last part.

"Get on with it then." He says hardly, but you know he's just as nervous as you are now.

"I'm a witch. I didn't wanna tell you because I knew you'd freak out. I can control the elements." You said all at once.

"Of course I'm freaking out. Why didn't you tell me sooner? You know I'm a werewolf..." You can hear the sadness in his tone.

"I'm sorry, Derek. I can... show you if you'd like." You try to make things a little better, and he nods, kind of excitedly.

You create a mini tornado in your hand and move it to Derek's before it dissipates into thin air. You look up and see him smile, looking into your eyes before pulling you into him, pressing a soft kiss to your lips.

"I'll always love you, Y/N. Please don't think I'd ever leave you for something like this again." You nod into his chest as he embraces you.

Stiles: Angel |You had always known there was something up with Stiles and Scott the night of the full moon sophomore year. Stiles always had something to say, but when you asked him what he was doing on Friday night, the night of the full moon, he said absolutely nothing.

"So you're free then?" You asked, wondering why there was so much awkward silence.

"U-uh, nooo... I'm, uh, doing this chemistry project with Scott and we really need to focus?" He said but it came out as a question. You furrowed your eyebrows.

"We don't have a project in chemistry. We're in the same class." You said obviously.

"Oh yeah right, it's a, uh, reading project!" He said then ran away acting like he was looking for something. You had guessed what was going on but now you knew for sure what was happening.


You planned to sneak into Stiles' house and figure out exactly what they were doing and maybe confront them about it. You knew Stiles was lying to you. He's a terrible liar.

You drive over there and parked your car down the street, walking the rest of the way to his house. You grabbed the trash can by the side of the house and put it directly under Stiles' bedroom window. You peaked inside to see no one there and quickly opened the window, shoving your body through it and closing it.

You heard Scott and Stiles walking up the stairs and hurried to get inside his closet, allowing your breathing down the best you could.

"Dude, Derek said that change can be caused by anything that raises your pulse. I haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does." Stiles exclaimed.

You leaned closer to the door to hear Scott's mumble response when you tripped, falling out of the closet and making a load of noise. You look up to see them staring at you like a kid that got caught stealing candy.

"Y-Y/N? What are you doing here?" Stiles asks wearily.

"No, Stiles, what are you doing here? I know you've been hiding this from me. I knew exactly what it was that you were hiding, too. You just had to go and make up some more lies. Why couldn't you just tell me?" Your voice dropped. "I have something to show you that might sway your opinion on me."

You stand up and look to Scott, telepathically telling him that this is a moment you need to be left alone with Stiles. He leaves and you immediately begin removing your shirt.

"Woah, Y/N, what does that have to do with anything?!?" He exclaims, obviously jumping to conclusions.

"Shut up, Stilinski." You huffed.

You looked down and looked back up, your eyes a golden color and you let your wings burst out. They were a beautiful white and extremely huge. Probably a wing span of about 10 feet. He looks at you questioningly and reaches his hand out to touch them.

"They're beautiful. And they don't change my view on you whatsoever. I always knew you were an Angel." He pulled you in for a kiss.

A/N: so stiles' was a bit longer than I was expecting but thats okay. I hope you like it...

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