Theo Raeken

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This imagine was requested and is for the wonderful martinez_angie10

Thank you for being so patient with me and waiting a few days for this to actually come out, because my Wattpad is being a sore loser and it doesn't like to tell me when things happen on this story. Alsooo... It's a lot longer than I thought it was going to be but it simultaneously sucks butt. If this gets 10 votes, I'll make a part two!



(Y/N)'s POV

"Stiles?" I ask for what seemed like the millionth time in the past ten minutes. The search still continues after searching half of the entire school for my missing boyfriend, and I was beginning to get worried. Of course, if it were anyone else, they would think that maybe they were just being too clingy and Stiles had just gone off for some space, but he never left my side. We've been best friends since the fourth grade and we just recently got into something more. I turned around the corner to reveal another hallway.

"Sti- oh. I'll just leave you to it, then." I waved my hand at the two standing before me, trying to act nonchalant in the hallway that was emptier than usual, but still an unacceptable place to act out in. I couldn't stop the tears burning at the back of my vision, though, a surefire sign that I was ultimately more upset than I was showing. I turned around to leave, but an arm turned me back around to face them. Instead of it being Stiles, like I thought it was, it was Malia trying to talk to me. The girl that just had my now ex-boyfriend in a lip-lock.

"L-Look, (Y/N), I'm really sorry, and I sincerely hope I didn't ruin our friendship. Just, please don't do anything stupid." She had a look in her eyes that whispered that she was telling the truth, so I just nod and risk one last glance over her shoulder and see Stiles, still standing in the same spot as before, staring at the ground. Not in a way that said he felt guilty, but in a way that said he felt bad he got caught. I just scoffed and turned on my heel, letting my converse stomp against the floor as I stormed out.

I walked as quickly as I could to my car, trying not to cry, ignoring the fact that Scott and Kira had been calling my name, hoping to catch up to me. I looked back at them, waving them a goodbye before turning back around in hopes of getting into my car. When I turned, the only person who was acceptable to see right now was standing right in front of my face.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" Theo looked into my eyes and sighed, pulling his hand up to caress a tear-stained cheek. I looked down, not wanting him to see me in this state.

"Can we talk about it once we get home?" Hoping that the tears would stop running by then- or at least slow down a little bit.

"We?" He questioned me, with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah..." I mumble, blushing a bit and he laughs at my reaction.

"Ok, Let's go. I'll drive since I don't think you're in a position to do that right now." He opens the passenger side door for me and I climb in, buckling my seatbelt as he gets in the driver's seat. I grab the keys to my White Kia Soul from my pocket and give them to Theo before he puts them in the ignition.


Instead of driving to my house, like I originally thought we were going, Theo decided to drive me to his house, which wasn't that far from mine or the school. Like Stiles, Theo and I had been friends in the fourth grade, until he decided to move away from Beacon Hills. After all this time, Theo had come back, and he proved himself to be the same Theo that had left Beacon Hills in the fourth grade. We both had gotten reacquainted fairly quickly in the time that he had been back, and one thing I knew for sure; Stiles did not like it at all. Stiles thought that Theo had to have some tricks up his sleeve after being gone all of that time.

Of course, being apart of Scott's pack, I knew all about the supernatural and what went on outside of school. Now, as we arrived at Theo's house, I considered making a decision I would probably regret and it would most definitely hurt people. People like Stiles. I wouldn't mind if it was just Stiles who got hurt, but the decision would also hurt my friends. Scott, Kira, Lydia, they would all be heartbroken.

Theo had been wanting to join the McCall pack or have the McCall pack join him ever since he got back to Beacon Hills. I understood that Scott was powerful and everyone wanted to get to him and hurt him, but Theo was no threat to Scott and even saved his life a few more times than once.

After going inside Theo's house, and discovering his parents weren't there, he took me to his room and I told him all about the reason I was here in the first place. I told him about everything Malia said to me and how Stiles didn't say anything at all. I told him about how Stiles didn't even look sorry about what he had done. I told him that Malia sounded like she never wanted to hurt me. I told him I was glad to have him.

"Listen, (Y/N), you should never have to feel something like this. You're a wonderful person and you- you mean a lot more to me than I show and I hate seeing you like this." He looks down at my lips before returning his gaze to my eyes. "I love you." He whispers before closing in and pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

My shock is quickly overcome by a strange feeling in my gut, telling me I should kiss back, and that's what I do. I haven't felt that feeling since I first kissed Stiles and it felt good. He pushes my back against the bed and forces his lips harder into mine, increasing the depth of the kiss that we were sharing. After pushing the kiss farther, Theo pulls away and I immediately see the reason why. His face has shifted and the last part needed was his razor-like teeth, but he pulled away before they could pierce my lips. The idea that I had before comes back into my mind and I know I'm going to regret asking.

"Theo, I want you to turn me. I want to become a part of your pack." I look into his eyes to gauge his reaction and am caught by surprise when he has none.

"Ok. I'll do it tonight, while you're asleep. It'll be painless. But for now, just try to get some sleep."

"I love you, Theo." I whisper after settling myself down.

"I love you, too, (Y/N)."

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