WM [36] Wickedly Sharp Blades

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Bjorn and Tanisha did not care to watch the reunion of the werewolf leader and his son which was handled largely by the Jackrabbits. The werewolf pack leader was questioned by the council before they were made to leave. Despite the excitement of the morning things settled down quite rapidly.

Bjorn was concerned about Tanisha's shift in personality; she was oddly mellow about the situation and seemed to be emotionally detached from the events she deemed as not a concern anymore. Bjorn didn't know if she was in shock or if this was the new normal for her. She still had emotions but she seemed more decisive in what she would and would not engage with.

Bjorn watched her take out the last ingot from the cold infusion basin, and she whistled. The ingot was a uniform reddish black, its sheen looked almost wet in the light. She beamed as she walked over to him holding the metal for him to examine as well. Her tail wagged playfully as she waited for Bjorn's reaction. Once he could get a better look and smell of the metal he could tell that it had changed fundamentally. It wasn't magically different but something else. To his senses it was like metal blood with a mixture of something deeper he couldn't recognize.

"I did it!" Tanisha yelled happily as she threw up her hands. "I actually figured it out thanks to you, Big Man!"

The joy in the bond was infectious. Bjorn started jumping up and down in excitement sharing in her success. More than anything he was relieved that while she was a little different she was still the girl he knew.

"Okay, I still have one more ingot. Let's get started and we can take them and the failures back to Joel." Tanisha said.

Tanisha went back to prepping the basin for another infusion which would take several hours given how long it took the first time he saw the process. He went to a corner of the wagon that had a mat laid out for him, and he lounged across it.

"Bjorn, you leveled up five times thanks to Tanisha. I think you should go ahead and assign the UCP." Failsafe said in his head. "And we still have a backlog of memories to sort through."

"One thing at a time." Bjorn responded mentally. "I'll assign the points and as for the memories... I-uh," he sighed deeply. "Okay, I need to get through them. We'll do more tonight."

Bjorn opened his status on the first page. Before he even added any points he had additions to several stats no doubt from surviving his ordeal with the werewolves.

Status Menu

Name: Bjorn Isin Scalebound
Species: Lernaean Hydra
Level: 32 + 5 = 37
Vitality: 140 + 5 = 145 / 195
Restoration: 210 + 5 = 215 / 270
Constitution: 120 + 5 = 125 / 135
Strength: 90 / 130
Dexterity: 80/ 100
Stamina: 90/ 115
Aether: 50 / 50 < 70
Aetheric Regeneration: 100 / 100 (+100 from bond)
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Bjorn was pleased to see that his stats went up so much without even needing to expend his points. He guessed that whatever concoction they were using to slow his regeneration ability must have been a push for his stats to grow. Surviving was also a deep drain on his constitution and vitality which since he died for a minute was definitely true. His threshold for aether also increased which was always a boon.

He moved on to adding his fifty UCP. He felt confident in his survivability but one of the deciding factors in the encounter was his inability to move fast enough to avoid the arrows. He was only going to get bigger as he aged and leveled up, so dodging would one day not be viable. He needed to be able to take damage and keep pushing through it so in a move he hoped he wouldn't regret he placed thirty points into restoration and the rest into aether.

Status Menu

Name: Bjorn Isin Scalebound
Species: Lernaean Hydra
Level: 37
Vitality: 145 / 195
Restoration: 215 + 30 = 245 / 270
Constitution: 125 / 135
Strength: 90 / 130
Dexterity: 80/ 100
Stamina: 90/ 115
Aether: 50 + 20 = 70 / 70
Aetheric Regeneration: 100 / 100 (+100 from bond)
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