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Matt accepted his coffee. But the person that handed it to him wasn't Claire Temple. He was unsure why, but she wasn't at work. Perhaps she was taking a day off.

As he drank his coffee, a little disappointed, he thought about his work. Brett had helped them get their first client, a woman named Karen Page. She was framed for killing a man named Daniel Fisher in her apartment after they met at a bar for a few drinks. How did he know she was framed? He'd listened to her heartbeat. She wasn't lying. Now he just needed the proper facts to support it.

Before he knew it, the coffee was gone. He threw the cup away and left, his cane tapping the pavement rhythmically.

"Matt! Hey!" Claire ran up to him after climbing out of a taxi. "Funny seeing you here."

"Just getting some coffee. You got me in a bad habit."

"I did?"

"Why else do you think I kept coming back?" Claire laughed. "You have a later shift today?"

"Actually, no. I quit."


"Yeah. I'm tired of working two jobs. I switch over to day hours at the hospital next week."

"That's great," Matt said.

"Actually, I was heading to the mall to grab a new pair of shoes to work in. Then I saw you, so I made the driver stop."

"Oh," Matt said with a chuckle. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I wanted to."

She locked her arm around his, and then they began walking. To the mall? To Nelson and Murdock? Both of their intended destinations didn't seem to be on their minds anymore.

So, where were they headed?

No one knew. But wherever they decided, they'd both call it a date.

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