Chapter Three- Just Perfect

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   The beach setting sun, the sound of waves crashing, and the warm sand beneath their feet – a perfect backdrop for a romantic afternoon.

As they walked along the shore, Haruto couldn't help but feel a sense of ease with Shinji. They chatted about everything and nothing, their conversations flowing effortlessly. Shinji shared stories about his family, his passions, and his dreams. Haruto found himself captivated by Shinji's kindness, intelligence, and sense of humor.

As the sun began to set, casting a warm orange glow over the beach, Shinji suggested they find a comfortable spot to watch the stars come out. They settled on a quiet spot, away from the crowds, and sat down together on a blanket.

The sky transformed into a canvas of twinkling lights, and Haruto felt as though he was under a magical spell. Shinji took his hand, his touch sending shivers down Haruto's spine.

"I'm really glad we did this, Haruto," Shinji said, his voice filled with sincerity. "I feel like I've known you forever."

Haruto's heart skipped a beat. "I know exactly what you mean," he replied, his voice barely above a whisper.

As they sat there, hands entwined, the world around them melted away, leaving only the two of them, lost in the beauty of the night sky.

Time seemed to stand still as they gazed into each other's eyes, their faces inches apart. Haruto's heart raced with anticipation, his pulse pounding in his ears. Shinji's eyes sparkled with a soft, gentle light, his lips curled into a tender smile.

Without another moment's hesitation, Shinji leaned in, his lips brushing against Haruto's in a soft, sweet kiss. Haruto's eyes fluttered closed, his heart soaring as he felt the warmth of Shinji's lips on his.

The world around them melted away, leaving only the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore and the soft rustle of the breeze through the palm trees. Haruto felt like he was floating on air, his entire being focused on the sensation of Shinji's lips on his.

As they broke apart for a moment, Haruto's eyes met Shinji's, and he saw the same wonder and excitement reflected back at him. They shared a soft, tender smile, and then Shinji leaned in again, deepening the kiss.

Haruto's heart sang with joy, his soul feeling like it was taking flight. He knew in that moment, he was falling deeply in love with Shinji.

As they pulled up to the dorm, Haruto felt a pang of disappointment that the night had to end. But Shinji's gentle smile and soft goodnight kiss made his heart skip a beat.

"Thanks for an amazing evening, Haruto," Shinji whispered, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I had a wonderful time."

Haruto's face flushed with happiness. "I did too, Shinji. I'll never forget tonight."

With one last glance, Shinji bid Haruto goodnight and drove off into the night. Haruto watched him go, his heart still racing from their kisses.

As he entered the dorm room, he found Yoshi fast asleep, snoring softly. Haruto couldn't help but chuckle at his friend's peaceful expression.

He quietly got ready for bed, his mind still reeling from the events of the evening. As he slipped under the covers, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this new chapter in his life.

Yoshi stirred, half-asleep, and mumbled, "How was the date?"

Haruto's smile spread from ear to ear. "It was perfect, Yoshi. Just perfect."

Yoshi's eyes fluttered open, and he grinned. "I knew it! I'll get all the details in the morning."

With that, Haruto drifted off to sleep, his heart full of joy and his soul at peace.

   The next day,Haruto woke up to Yoshi's excited chatter. "Okay, spill the beans! How was the date? What happened? Did you guys kiss?"

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