Chapter Nine- Guilt And Fear

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   Taro, still radiating happiness, seemed oblivious to Shinji's distress. He bounded ahead, leading the group through the winding trails.

As they stopped for lunch, Haruto pulled Shinji aside. "Hey, what's really going on? You can tell me."

Shinji hesitated, his eyes darting around nervously. "It's nothing, Haruto. Really."

Haruto's expression turned stern. "Don't lie to me, Shinji. I know something's bothering you. Is it something Taro did?"

Shinji's eyes widened, and he looked away, his face flushing. Haruto's eyes narrowed, his mind racing with possibilities.

Suddenly, Taro appeared beside them, his smile still plastered on his face. "Hey, guys! What's taking so long?"

Haruto's eyes locked onto Taro, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "Just trying to figure out what's going on with Shinji."

Taro's smile faltered for a moment, before he regained his composure. "Don't worry,he will be fine."

But Haruto wasn't convinced.

As the day wore on, Haruto and the others backed off, giving Shinji space. But Taro found excuses to brush against him, his touches light and casual, yet sending shivers down Shinji's spine.

While hiking, Taro would "accidentally" touch Shinji's arm or shoulder, his fingers grazing Shinji's skin. During lunch, he'd sit close, their legs touching, and whisper jokes in Shinji's ear, his breath sending tremors through Shinji's body.

Shinji tried to ignore it, to pretend it wasn't happening, but Taro's secret seduction was wearing him down. He couldn't concentrate, his mind consumed by Taro's subtle advances.

As the sun began to set, the group set up camp, and Taro offered to help Shinji gather firewood. As they walked into the forest, Taro's touches became bolder, his hand brushing against Shinji's, sending sparks through his body.

Shinji's heart raced, his mind reeling with confusion. He didn't know what to do, how to react. Part of him wanted to pull away, to escape Taro's seduction, but another part, a growing part, wanted to surrender.

As they gathered firewood, Taro tried to forcefully kiss Shinji again. But this time, Shinji was prepared. He pushed Taro away, his hands firm on Taro's chest.

"Stop it, Taro!" Shinji said, his voice firm. "That's enough."

Taro's face twisted in offense, his eyes flashing with anger. "So you're going to pretend like you didn't enjoy our kiss?" he sneered.

Shinji stood his ground. "It was a mistake, Taro. And it's not going to happen again. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong idea, but I don't feel the same way."

Taro's expression turned venomous. "Fine, Shinji. But you know what will happen if you don't give in... I'll tell Haruto what happened between us. I'll tell him that we kissed, and that you loved it."

Shinji paled, knowing that Taro was capable of carrying out his threat. "You wouldn't dare," he said, trying to keep his cool.

Taro's smile was malicious. "Want to bet?"

When they got back to the others, Taro's expression had transformed back to his usual charming self. Shinji, on the other hand, looked pale and worried.

"Hey, guys! What's up?" Taro asked, clapping Haruto on the back.

Haruto looked up from his book. "Not much, Taro. Just enjoying the peace and quiet. What about you two? Find some good firewood?"

Taro grinned. "Yeah, we found some great stuff. Shinji here was a big help."

Shinji forced a smile, trying to play along. "Yeah, no problem."

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