Chapter Six- Curiosity

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    As the night drew to a close, they exchanged numbers and said their goodbyes. Shinji watched as Taro leaned in to hug Haruto, his arms wrapping around him in a warm embrace.

"Thanks again for tonight," Taro whispered, his lips brushing against Haruto's ear.

Haruto smiled, his eyes sparkling with delight. "Anytime," he replied, his voice barely audible.

Shinji felt a pang in his chest as he watched the exchange. He couldn't help but wonder if he was just being paranoid, if Taro's intentions were genuinely platonic.

As they walked home, hand in hand, Haruto turned to Shinji with a beaming smile. "I had such a great time tonight," he said, his eyes shining with happiness.

Shinji forced a smile, trying to push aside his doubts. "Yeah, me too," he replied, squeezing Haruto's hand.

But as they drifted off to sleep, Shinji's mind raced with questions. Was Taro a threat to their relationship? He couldn't shake off the feelings.

The next morning, Shinji woke to find Haruto's side of the bed empty. He reached for his phone and saw a text from Haruto: "Hey, meeting Taro for brunch. Want to come?"

Shinji's heart skipped a beat. Was this a test? And what would he find if he showed up?

Shinji's mind raced as he debated what to do. A part of him wanted to go, to see how Haruto and Taro interacted in a different setting. But another part of him was scared, scared of what he might see, scared of losing Haruto.

In the end, curiosity won out. He texted Haruto, "Yeah, I'll come."

As he arrived at the café, he saw Haruto and Taro laughing together, their faces inches apart. Shinji's heart sank, but he put on a brave face and joined them.

The brunch was a blur of conversation and laughter, but Shinji couldn't shake the feeling that he was on the outside looking in. Haruto and Taro seemed to have their own private joke, their own secret language.

As they finished up and said their goodbyes, Taro turned to Haruto and whispered something in his ear. Haruto's face lit up with a radiant smile, and he nodded enthusiastically.

Shinji's heart raced as he wondered what had been said. Was it something innocent, or was it something more?

As they walked home,hand in hand,Shinji turned to Haru to with a curious express.

"What did Taro whisper into your ear?"

Haruto  smiled
"He told me, I'm lucky because I have a handsome boyfriend ".Haruto replied.

Shinji,smiled, staring at Haruto.He felt relieved.

Some weeks later.Shinji and Taro where hanging out at Haruto's place.Yoshi had classes so he wasn't with them.Shinji stepped out to get something,leaving Haruto and Taro

Taro with lust, stared into Haruto's eyes.
He couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. He leaned in, his lips inches from Haruto's.

Haruto, sensing what was happening, froze. He didn't pull away, but his eyes widened in surprise.

Taro's lips brushed against Haruto's,But before he could deepen it, Haruto's hands came up, pressing against Taro's chest.

"Taro, wait," Haruto said, his voice firm but gentle.

Taro pulled back, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Haruto's expression was kind but firm. "Taro, I care about you, but I'm with Shinji. I love him."

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