Chapter One

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Drunk. That was the only way to correctly identify myself at the moment. I was sitting at our private booth taking in my surroundings. I looked down at the packed dance floor that contained all different kinds of people, from beautiful girls to boys that were clearly still virgins. Led lights flashed across my face & I felt the music bumping throughout my body. I felt young, wild & free. Freedom being my favourite feeling. I was only 18 but dad owned this & basically every other club in Toronto. So I guess you could say I got special privileges. Letting out a long sigh I again reached out & grabbed the bottle of Silent Sam I had purchased. Silent Sam was the only man I had ever loved & we were in a pretty serious relationship considering he's vodka. Feeling the burn of Sam travel down my throat I looked over to see my best friend Marilyn shaking her head at me. "Whaaat are yous shaking yooour head abiiout?" I somehow manage to slur out. Looking at me with amusement she said "Me? Oh nothing... just your supernatural abilty to consume alchol" giving me a sly smile. "Yourrr juust jealous.... biiiiitcchh!" I yelled playfully & stuck my tounge out at her. "Hahahaahaa! You wish skank! Now get your sexy ass on the dance floor with me & show these other girls how its done!" Before I knew it I was dancing my tits off with Marilyn, feeling happier then ever. Pop It Like It's Hot by Snoop Dogg was playing in the backround. Which made me dance even more due to the fact that it was one of my favourite songs of all time. Some guy tried grabbing me, attempting to touch my ass & shit. So instead of knocking him out, which took a lot of restraint, I started grinding & twerking on Marilyn. "Priscilla" I heard Marilyn's voice say from behind me. Turning around I saw concern & bewilderment tangled in her features. This instantly made me sober up, the dancing probably helped aswell, but mainly because Marilyn never & I do mean never looked concern. She was layed back, easy going but fiesty when she needed to be. Excatly like me. I stared at her for a moment taking in how truly gorgous my best friend was. Long auburn hair, big blue eyes & full lips. She was skinny but popped out at her bust line due to her size double D boobs. Wearing a simple little black dress that hugged her in all the right places. "PRISCILLA CAN YOU HEAR ME!" I snapped back to reality giving Marilyn a questioning look. She let out a huff "I saaaaid that guy over there has been starring at you since we started dancing." I looked around but was unable to spot this mystery man. However I got a bad feeling in my stomach, like something evil this way comes & all that bullshit. Ignoring my feelings I turned back to Marilyn, "Let's just get back to the booth, drink a glass of water to sober up & call our cab." She nodded in agreement & we made our way through the crowd.


Warm rays of sunlight were hitting my face, the smell of lavender, vodka & sweat filled my nose. A kinda purplely, yellow smell. I associate smells with colours. I don't know why I just do. I lazily opened my eyes & took a look around the room. I was at Marilyns. I sighed with relief not remebering anything after returning to our booth. Since that glass of water turned into two more bottles of alchol. I flung my legs over the bed & walked over to the bathroom. Peeing, brushing my teeth & then my hair. While doing so, I stared at my reflection, beige skin, light golden blonde hair that reached my waist & blue eyes. I had full lips like Marilyn's & a perfect hourglass figure, or so I've been told. Once I was done with my morning routine, I got dressed & skipped downstaires to find Ava, Marilyn's mom, making breakfast. "Goodmorning mama" I said giving her a bright smile. "Hello daughter!" Ava exclaimed, running over to give me a quick kiss on the cheek. I loved her, she was literally my second mom. "Mari's out in the back sweetheart, breakfast will be ready soon, okay?" "Smells great, I can't wait!" I said. Heading over to the open french doors I spotted Marilyn tanning on one of the lounge chairs, beside the massive kidney shaped pool. "Morning sleepy head" Marilyn said without looking up. "Morning boo" giving her a quick smile before flopping down on the chair beside her. Neither of us ever suffered hangovers. We just didn't get them which was a blessing. "So what happened after we got back to the booth?" I asked. Marilyn let out a humored snort "The usual, got drunker then we should have, you knocked a girl out for spilling her drink on me, called the cab & sang along to Drake the whole way home." I pursed my lips, looking down at my hands I saw that my right one was coverd with tiny cuts & brusies. I looked at Marilyn who was looking at me. We both were trying & failing not to laugh. Once we caught our breath, Ava called us in for breakfast. Settling down at the table we dove in, needing to fill our empty tummies. "When we got home" Marilyn said between mouthfuls, " we tried to make a chocolate cake, burnt the fuck out of it, then made another one, almost burnt the whole fucking house down" she took a long sip of her orange juice, " finally made the third one, cuddled watching some slasher movie on netflix, you kept trying to jump in the pool with all your clothes on, so finally I let you & then you went upstairs, got naked & passed out." We burst out in a fit of uncontrolable laughter once again which then subsided into a comfortable silence, with the occasional sound of silverware clashing. Once we were finished, we aimlessly walked into the living room & slumped down on the couch. Marilyn turned on the news, which I hated, so I walked upstairs to get my laptop when I heard a shrill voice screaming my name. I bounded back down towards the sound. I was extremly protective over my loved ones, to say I was loyal would be an understatment. I saw Marilyn standing in front of the television with her mouth hanging wide open. I was about to cuss her out for scaring me like that when the image she was looking at caught my eye. It was a mugshot of a man that could only be about 22 or 23, his hair was styled in a quiff & had tattoos peeking out the top of his shirt. I tuned into what the reporter was saying. "If you have any information regarding this man please call the hotline shown below. Once again police are still looking for public enemy number one, gang leader Justin Bieber. Wanted on multiple counts of murder, drug trafficing, kidnapping & more. Please call 911 if you see him at anytime or call the hotline below with any information." I realized Marilyn was looking at me with nothing but shock itched into her face. "What is it? What's wrong?" I asked, walking over to her & wrapping her in a hug. "That that man...." "What about him Mari?" I asked, getting more worried & confused with each passing second. "That's the guy who was starring at you last night" Marilyn said with a grimace.

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