Chapter Seven

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Twenty long minutes had passed traveling down what seemed to be a never ending dirt road.

Under different circumstances this would have to be the most amazing date/evening of my life.

After dropping the Bonnie and Clyde line nothing but silence filled the air, only being broken when psycho pants offered me some champagne. I happily accepted.

Then we were picked up in a horse drawn carriage but not before I got to feed them some carrots.

Which brings me to the never ending dirt road & spectactular, breath - taking view.

I was actually feeling slightly less on edge then before but not totally calm & comfortable.

My face was practically burning from Justin's eyes starring into me but everytime I got enough courage to look at him, he would just look away.

I was also drowning in the nervousness that oozed off of him & his constant fidgiting was rather nerve racking.

Finally we came to a stop, asshole practically leap from his seat & came around to open the door for me.

I ignored his extended hand for help, which resulted in a chuckle & firm slap on the ass.

"Is this where your planning to murder me?" I asked uncaringly.

"No buttercup, if I was going to kill you I would have done it already" he said with a dazziling smile.

I swallowed loudly, not wanting to continue the convarsation.

Justin roughly grabbed me by my wrist & lead me down a paved pathway.

As I was about to ask how much further. We came to what I was guessing, is our destination for the evening.(photo displayed above)

I couldn't help the gasp that escaped my lips, it had to be the most romantic thing I had ever seen in all my life.

"Oh my...."

"Do you like it?" Justin asked shyly.

"Its... its..." I stuttered, unable to express how wonderful it was.

"Its stupid isn't it?! Its corny & pathetic & way to dramatic!" Justin roared "Fuck!"

"No no no its truly beautiful , I love it" I quickly said, " you took my breath away to be honest."

He visibly relaxed at my words, "oh... sorry" he muttered embarrassed.

Justin walked over & pulled out the chair at the end of the table.

I followed, sat down & thanked him.

My heart was beating so fast I could see my chest bumping to its rhythem. Even though I was close to really losing my shit, I did my best not to show it.

I looked up through my lashes at my kidnapper. Why did he even kidnap me in the first place?

I mean look at him he's sexy as hell & a complete gentleman. Yes I am finally admiting that I find him hot.

He could have easily charmed his way into my pants. Why did the extreme of kidnapping seem resonable over asking me out the old fashioned way.

Then again he is a crazy, murdering, gangster. So I guess kidnapping is more like going to the grocery store for him.

My thoughts were haulted by a throat being cleared & a bowl of soup being placed infront of me. Instantly making my mouth water.

I was eating eagerly in no time, not realizing how hungery I actually am.

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