Nica's Lawer

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We cut back to the mental hospital where Nica was brought in for her first group therapy session but......

Patient: Hey honey. 

Nica turned her head to him 

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Nica turned her head to him 

Patient: Kill your family huh? What'd you Michael Fucking Myers? Hehehehe

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Patient: Kill your family huh? What'd you Michael Fucking Myers? Hehehehe....I'm in here cause I strangled my sister and her boyfriend in their sleep. Hahahahaha!!!

Nica ignored him as he laughed and soon Dr. Neville came in 

 Neville came in 

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Dr. Neville: Good morning people. Before we start let's give a warm welcome to our new friend. Nica Pierce. Nica was transferred yesterday from family tragedies and we're going to show her our session for replantation. So Nica. How bout you tell the group about yourself. 

Nica once again responded with a silent stare 

Dr. Neville: Nica we feel if you talk to us we can figure how to help you. 

Nica: You all know about me already. I'm accused of murder all cause I accused to a child's play thing. I lost my whole family. And likely to never see my niece again. So what's the point? 

 So what's the point? 

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