Dancing Together ❤🌃

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Characters: Uzi, N, V, J, Thad and Lizzy

Ship: Uzi x N

Genre: Fluff 💕 and Romance ❤

TW: None


The school's prom night had arrived, a rare occasion for celebration amidst the chaos that had consumed their lives. Uzi, N, V, J, Thad, and Lizzy stepped through the doors of the grand hall, the low hum of soft music filling the air. The decorations sparkled beneath the dazzling lights, setting the stage for an evening none of them would forget.

Uzi felt the weight of the moment as she stepped inside, donning a short, strapless dark purple dress that shimmered slightly under the lights. The midnight black-colored laced boots, paired with long gloves of a lighter purple shade, added a bold edge to her look. She glanced at N, who was beside her, wearing a discarded but elegant three-piece black-gray suit, his usual carefree expression softening as he noticed her attire.

N's neon yellow eyes widened slightly, a blush creeping up as he fumbled for words. "You look amazing, Uzi."

Uzi felt her own cheeks heat up at his compliment, though she masked it with her typical sarcasm. "Thanks. You don't look half bad yourself, dork."

Around them, their friends joined the event. V, looking every bit as confident as usual, strutted into the hall in a red-velvet, glittery, sleeveless dress, a slit on the right side giving her an air of both elegance and danger. J followed closely behind, her own black glittering dress radiating confidence and control, like a queen surveying her court. It was the first time in her life that she went to a school's prom and she looked nice.

Thad, ever the casual one, sported his usual baseball cap with a formal twist-a suit and tie completing his look. His easy-going grin never wavered as he nudged Lizzy beside him. Lizzy wore a light pink, polka-dot-patterned heart dress, the dots being a darker pink, her bow matching perfectly. Of course, she didn't forget her hard hat, a quirky addition that she refused to leave behind.

As they made their way to the center of the room, the lights dimmed slightly, signaling the start of the night's first dance. Couples slowly moved to the dance floor, the music a gentle, rhythmic tune that beckoned them to join.

Thad and Lizzy were the first to take the plunge, awkwardly but happily moving to the beat, their laughter blending with the melody. "Who knew prom would be this fun?" Thad joked, spinning Lizzy around with surprising grace.

V and J exchanged a glance, their usual banter replaced with an unspoken agreement. With an unexpected grace, V led J to the dance floor. The two of them danced in sync, their movements sharp yet smooth, as if they had done this a hundred times before. There was something unspoken in the way they moved together, their closeness drawing curious glances from others around them.

And then there was Uzi and N.

N hesitated, glancing at Uzi with nervous energy. "Um, do you-do you want to dance?" His voice cracked slightly, though his grin was wide and soft.

Uzi rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the warmth spreading through her. "Sure, why not? Just try not to step on my feet."

They moved to the center of the room. As the music shifted to something softer, more intimate, Uzi placed her hand on N's side, her other hand finding his. Their movements were slow, unsure at first, but as the music swayed them, they found a rhythm. N's smile softened as they danced, his eyes locked on hers.

"You're really good at this" Uzi mumbled, her voice softer than usual.

"I think it's more that you're a good partner" N replied, his tone equally gentle.

The world around them seemed to fade as they danced, the weight of everything they had been through briefly lifted in the warm glow of the moment. Uzi, usually so guarded, found herself leaning into N, the soft beat of the music syncing with her heartbeat.

As the song neared its end, the distance between them closed. N's eyes flickered down to her lips, a question hanging in the air, and he cupped with his hands on Uzi's cheeks. For once, she didn't pull away. Instead, Uzi leaned closer, her heart racing.

And then, softly, their lips met.

The room seemed to still, the music fading into the background as Uzi and N kissed. It wasn't a grand, dramatic moment, but it was perfect. When they finally pulled away, both of them were blushing furiously, but neither could suppress the small, content smiles that crept onto their faces.

"Finally!" Lizzy's voice broke the moment, her teasing grin aimed directly at Uzi and N.

Thad joined in with a chuckle, "Took you guys long enough!"

Uzi shot them both a death glare, but it lacked her usual sharpness. Even J and V, who had been dancing together seamlessly, paused to exchange knowing smirks.

The night went on, filled with laughter, dancing, and the kind of joy that felt rare and precious. For a while, they could forget the darkness waiting outside and just be themselves. The prom, with its glittering lights and soft music, became more than just a school event-it was a celebration of everything they had survived and everything they still had to look forward to.

As the final song played and the night came to an end, Uzi glanced up at the stars through the windows, her hand still intertwined with N's.

"It was a good night" she whispered, more to herself than anyone else.

N squeezed her hand gently. "Yeah... it really was."

And as they all walked out of the hall, still laughing and teasing each other, they knew that this night-this moment-would stay with them forever.

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