Words That Wound (Pt. 1)💔

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Characters: Uzi and N

Ship: Uzi x N

Genre: Angst💔

TW: None


The tension in the air was palpable, thick enough to cut through with a blade. Inside their makeshift home, Uzi and N stood across from each other, their neon eyes locked in a heated stare. It had been a long, exhausting day, and the strain of everything they had gone through was beginning to crack their bond.

It started out small—an offhand comment, a misunderstanding. But, like everything between them, small things rarely stayed small for long.

“I don’t get why you always have to be so reckless!” N snapped, his usually calm and collected demeanor unraveling. His neon yellow eyes flared with frustration. “You’re always throwing yourself into danger without thinking about anyone else!”

Uzi recoiled slightly, but her own frustration quickly flared in response. “I’m trying to protect us! Protect you, V, everyone! You think this is easy for me?”

N shook his head, pacing back and forth, his hands gripping the sides of his head. “You’re not thinking, Uzi! You’re acting like nothing can touch you, but it can! You could’ve gotten killed out there. What would we have done if—”

“Stop it!” Uzi interrupted, her voice trembling with anger. “You don’t get it! I don’t have a choice, N! Every day we’re up against something bigger than us. If I don’t act, we’re all dead! So yeah, maybe I’m reckless, but what else am I supposed to do?”

N turned toward her, his expression a mixture of hurt and anger. “I just want you to care about yourself as much as I do! Do you even realize how scared I was when I saw you almost get killed? You act like you’re the only one carrying this weight, but I’m here too, Uzi! You’re not alone!”

For a brief moment, Uzi’s resolve faltered. His words hit something deep within her, but instead of softening, she hardened. She crossed her arms, her neon purple eyes narrowing as she fought to keep her emotions in check.

“I know I’m not alone,” she shot back, her voice quieter but no less intense. “But you don’t get what it’s like, N. You don’t get what it’s like having to live up to everyone’s expectations, knowing that if I mess up, everything falls apart. It’s on me.”

N stared at her, frustration building. “I never asked you to carry all of that alone! I’ve always been here, willing to help. But you shut me out. You’re always shutting me out!”

Uzi’s hands clenched into fists at her sides. “Because if I let you in, you’ll get hurt! Do you think I want that? Do you think I want to watch the people I care about die because of me?”

N’s expression softened for a second, but the frustration still lingered. “I’m not weak, Uzi. I don’t need you to protect me from everything. I can handle myself.”

“That’s not the point!” Uzi yelled, her voice cracking under the weight of her emotions. She could feel the tears threatening to rise, but she refused to let them fall. “The point is I have to protect you. Because if I lose you, I won’t survive it.”

The words hung in the air between them, heavy and raw.

N blinked, taken aback by her admission. His anger began to wane, replaced by confusion and hurt. “Uzi...”

But before N could finish, Uzi cut him off, her voice breaking in a way that made his neon eyes widen. “Do you even know what it’s like to be afraid of yourself every single day? To be terrified that one wrong move and I could be the reason you’re dead? I’ve already lost so much—like everything. How much more do you think I can take before I break?”

N gasped. Her words hit him like a punch to the gut, his neon yellow eyes wide with shock. He opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He didn’t know what to say, how to ease the depth of pain she just revealed.

Uzi’s chest heaved as her emotions poured out, and for a moment, she regretted saying it—regretted being so vulnerable and raw. But then, as N stood there in silence, she felt something else: resolve.

She wasn’t sorry. Not anymore.

“I’m not just afraid of losing you, N,” she continued, her voice steady but strained, her neon purple eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. “I’m afraid of myself. I’m afraid that someday I’ll be the one to destroy everything. And if that day comes… I don’t know if I’ll be able to live with it.”

N’s heart sank as her words sank in, the weight of them suffocating. He had known she carried burdens, but this—this fear of herself—was something he hadn’t fully understood until now. And the worst part? He didn’t know how to fix it.

“Uzi...” he whispered, his voice laced with guilt and pain. “I didn’t know—”

“Of course, you didn’t know!” Uzi snapped, tears brimming in her eyes but refusing to fall. “Because you can’t know! No one can. And that’s why I need to keep you safe, even if it means pushing you away.”

The silence that followed was deafening, both of them standing there, raw and exposed. N’s heart ached as he realized just how deeply her fear had eaten away at her. But he didn’t know what to do, how to break through the walls she had built around herself.

He took a deep breath, his voice quiet and strained. “I just… I just want you to know that you don’t have to go through this alone. No matter what happens, Uzi, I’m here. And we can figure it out together”

Uzi shook her head, a bitter smile tugging at her lips. “I’m not sure that’s enough anymore, N.”

And with that, she turned her back on him, walking away into the shadows of the bunker, leaving him standing there, feeling more helpless than ever.

N stared after her, his fists clenched at his sides, his neon eyes dimming as the weight of her words settled in. He wanted to follow her, to fix everything, but he wasn’t sure if he could. Not this time.

For the first time, N felt like he was losing her, and the thought terrified him.

To be continued...

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