Chapter 18: I'm The Big Bad Wolf, Woods.

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I fall from the branch I was sitting on suddenly and I feel how my body makes an impact with the grassed ground and I grunt when I notice the pain arriving my body. I get up, or at least I'm trying to, then when I do it, my mouth lets out a moan of pain on my lower back, not my butt at least, I take out my knife and play with it in the way to the house, but the sky turns dark, dark gray instead of the cloudy day I was having, the wind increases, it's winter, but something like this is unusual, I see him, I see Zalgo right in front of me, his shadow form is now turning into a black and red smoke figure and then I see how it begins to go straight to my face, so I cover it and I get down, but the smoke covers me and doesn't allow me to breath as good as I used to do a second ago.

My body feels somehow heavier when the smoke is around me and I can hear a yelling and crying when I'm in the inside, especially the creepy voice that talks out loud saying like 'kill...Not safe... Game' as it keeps going and eventually I see dark spots on my view, as the air is missing my lungs and I feel weak as hell, and finally I feel how my body levitates and my mind goes forever gone, as I feel how memories come back to me since when I was a little kid, when I played with Troye hide and seek, I ended up crying because I couldn't see him and I thought he was lost, I remember the first time I met my sisters, I remember how we used to fight and cried over movies, remembering how when someone was a jerk to one of us I used to start calling on the jerk and be like 'YOU CRAZY FUCKER WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!', remembering how we used to sing, remembering how I sacrificed myself, remembering my first kiss, my first kill, my tears, my suicidal attempt, my first kiss with Toby, Jeff almost killing me, how I died and came back as immortal, all memories shatter inside my head and they are all mixed up, I can't even define one from another, I remember finally when I used to cry because when I was a little girl, Troye liked to scare me with horror stories before sleeping and I always begged him not to tell them, finally I ended up liking them.

*I recommend you putting the song, because it goes great with this part*

My memories go straight to when I decided to come here, when I was all wet in the woods thanks to the cold rain, when I ran into Jeff as the smart girl I am (notice my sarcasm please) and then my mind traveled to my last fight with Zalgo, and finally I see my view becoming pitch black.

I wake up on the lab, in the white bed, as I try to get up, my body collapses to the ground, my hands reach out before my body lands on the cold hard floor and they hold my chest and beware my head of banging against the ground as I feel my legs crash on the ground and I try to get up once again, my legs feel weak as hell, I feel like baby Bambi when he was born, my legs can barely support my body weight and I feel how my feet start instantly hurting when I take the first step, then I hear the sound of the door opening and I don't have time to raise my head to face the person who entered, because I feel a pair of strong arms immediately around my waist and making me sit on the bed once again as I raise my sight to see... The fuck? I see Jeff in front of me holding my shoulders.

-Toby! Prophet! Slenderman! She's awake!!! - Jeff yells turning his head to the door and I see how my brother in his hawk form arrives flying and turns into a human again, then after a couple of minutes Toby arrives and I didn't notice the presence of Slenderman in front of me

-What the hell is going on? - I rub the back of my neck

-I was going to ask you the same thing- Jeff leans on the table beside me

-Why are YOU here? - My voice is now raspier

-No reason, just meddlesome- He's having a sarcastic voice- I have experienced a fight or two with Zalgo

-You may be immortal, but you need training- Slenderman explains- and Jeff is the best when it comes to training, so, he'll train you

-Wait what? No, I don't want to be trained by him- I'm in fucking denial

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