Chapter 7: Coachella As Painkiller

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-Rouge! Wake the fuck up! – I hear a female voice calling

I feel myself shaking as my body is being lifted and I feel the back of my head being hammered as I force myself to open my eyes slowly as I see a blurry silhouette with brown hair and I see a green eye, then the silhouette becomes a body and I see Clockwork besides me with a worried look, as I get up she trembles a bit and I see her with her both eyes, green and the clock one wide opened as I feel the back of my head a bit wet and I realize I feel blood coming out from the back of my head as I wipe my mouth from what I thought it was saliva but it actually was blood, as I taste the metallic flavor of my vital liquid and I make a face as it flows down my throat as I try to get up and I feel dizzy as she helps me taking my arm around her shoulder and she helps me sit on the white bed and I rest my arms in the sides of the bed as she passes me some gauze, and peroxide and she tries to smile.

-What the hell? – I ask rubbing my forehead

-I dunno, everyone saw you running away from Toby, some loud punches and then nothing- she says- then I entered here to look for something and I saw you on the floor bleeding by your head

-Mhm... yeah Toby is a bit bipolar- I say resting my hand on my forehead a bit

-Oh the hell he is! You never know my friend- she says moving her shoulders

I take some of the peroxide with the gauze and I rub it and leave it a bit on the back of my head as I feel a huge sting and I bite my lip, avoiding to complain about the pain as I get it away and I see a bit of blood, and then I repeat with more gauze until I see no blood and I try to smile as I get off the bed and I walk with Clock downstairs as we sit on the couch and I start talking to her... wait a fucking second.... Didn't she hated me for being with Toby? Oh. My. God.


Why do I feel she's up to something?

Ugh I hate the sixth sense of a woman.

-So, Clock... how are you doing? – I ask

Really Regina?

''How are you doing?''

Do you want a slow death or what?

-Uh... I've been okay, thanks- she answers me- how have you been? You know... with your little love triangle

-Ugh it's freaking exhausting... like seriously, try to make two persons happy without breaking their hearts- I say- okay... I just heard what I said and I sounded like a bitch or like a whore

-More like a mother to me- she says smiling- I can imagine myself in that position

I keep talking to her and then I feel someone sitting beside me and I see Clock with her eyes opened like plates and smiling a bit, as I'm confused I turn and I see Toby without his muzzle and I see his beautiful smile... okay I know he has a part of his cheek like... ripped off or something like that but... WHO THE FUCK CARES? HIS SMILE IS BEAUTIFUL TO ME! GOD DAMMIT. Then I feel his arm wrapped around me and his other one getting me a little closer to his chest and then Clock smiles and gets up.

-Okay I better get going... Use protection! – She says when she is by the door

-Nuuuu please! Don't let him try to kill me... again! – I say with a funny tone of voice

-Eh... No... he's going to kill you... with his...- she tries to say with a pervert face

-Okay!! Okay TMI! Go now! – I say laughing and feeling a bit blushed

As he pulls me closer and places his head on the side between my shoulder and my neck as I feel his breathing making me tickles and I smile to him and then he pulls his arms around me and I make my classic ''Boss A$$ Bitch'' face and I turn a bit my face to him.

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