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Jin: again?

Namjoon: I'm sorry hyung...

Jin: come on, don't say that. It's not your fault... I've made an appointment, it's two days later. Let's wait till then ok?

Namjoon: thank you hyung.

Jin: don't worry about it Joon. You I'll always love you right?

Namjoon: I love you too hyung.

Namjoon set the pregnancy test kit aside, hugged Jin, and they embraced each other before falling asleep together.


Namjoon woke up and smiled at the sight of Jin still sleeping. He gently kissed Jin on the lips before heading downstairs to make breakfast, smiling as he went.

However, his smile faded when he noticed his mother-in-law sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. As soon as she saw Namjoon, she scowled at him.

Namjoon:... Good morning mom.

Mrs Kim: it's ma'am for you.

Namjoon: I'm sorry ma'am.

Mrs Kim: and what makes you think it's a good morning? I've seen your face and that's for more than enough to ruin my day.


Mrs Kim: gosh, I can feel my BP rising... Anyways, tell me do you have good news or not?

Namjoon: not yet ma'am.

Mrs Kim: what?! ( Scoff) Wow I can't believe this. Will I ever get a chance to see my grandson before I die?


Mrs Kim: why were you the one Jin choose to marry? Why did he choose to marry a barren person like you ?

Jin: Mom, don't speak to my husband like that please. 

Mrs Kim: he might be your husband but I refuse to accept him as my son-in-law.

Jin:... Don't be like that mom.

Mrs Kim: you've got to open your eyes son. He is barren. He will never give you a child.

Jin: then I'll live without a child. Being married doesn't mean it's compulsory to have a child. I love Namjoon and that's enough for me.

Mrs Kim: I can't believe you both!

Mrs Kim sighed loudly and stomped out of the house.

Namjoon: you shouldn't have done that hyung...

Jin: it's ok. She can be a little too much at times don't worry about it.

Jin hugged Namjoon.

Jin: don't let what my mother says get you Joon. I love you and won't change. No matter what.

Namjoon: I love you too...

Namjoon quickly wiped his tears off.

Namjoon: I'll go and make some breakfast.

Jin: and burn the whole house? Haha. Chill babe I'll do it. You go and freshen up.

Namjoon: okay.


Tears stream down my face as soon as I step into the bathroom.

My mother-in-law's words cut deep, like a thousand sharp blades.

I wanted so desperately to argue, to defend myself, but I couldn't. I couldn't, because she was right.

I've been married to Jin hyung for four years, and we've been trying for a child for the past year, but no matter what, I just can't seem to get pregnant.

At first, like Jin hyung always reassured me, I brushed off my mother-in-law's comments. But lately... I can't help but feel that maybe she's right.

Jin hyung has always been a family man. I remember how he used to talk about wanting two kids when we were still dating.

Eventually, his dream became mine too.

But I can’t make it happen.

Even though Jin hyung tells me he doesn't need a child, deep down, I know he still wants one.

Maybe his mother is right... Maybe I’m barren.

Tears stream down my face as I cry quietly, trying to hold back the sobs.


Jin: you cried Joon?

Namjoon: I didn't hyung... Just soap went into my eyes. You know how clumsy I am...

Jin:... That you are. Well, take a seat I made your favourite pancakes.

Namjoon: thank you hyung.

Jin: if you want to thank me then kiss me.

Jin leaned on the kitchen counter smirking as he stared at Namjoon.

Namjoon: how is it that I'm still not used to your face hyung? Are you getting more and more handsome with each passing day?

Jin: that means my efforts to keep myself handsome for my beautiful husband is successful. Now my kiss.

Namjoon blushed and gave a quick kiss.

Jin: that's all? Baby should your hubby teach you how to kiss?

Namjoon: I have work today. And I want to be able to walk hyung. So teach me tonight.

Jin: I wish time would just pass by quick then.

Namjoon: stop being horny all the time hyung.

Jin: I want to but it's impossible when you're so hot and beautiful...

Namjoon:... Hyung... Stop.

Jin: ...and incredibly cute when blushing.

Namjoon covered his face with his hands, attempting to hide his flushed cheeks, while Jin laughed and gently kissed Namjoon on the forehead and cheek.



So I'm going to try and rush this story as much as possible. Even the ending perhaps but can't say for sure.

Also please suggest good title for this story. I just wrote whatever. ಠ⁠ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠ಠ

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