Chapter IVV

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*Dinner time

"I'm so hungry" Orm said while watching in the living room.

"What do you want to eat?" Lingling asked because she's hungry too

"You" Orm said And Lingling ignored her.

"Tskk! I'm serious here!" Lingling yelled at her and Orm stands up and walk to her.

Little by little, Lingling backed away from where she was standing as Orm approached with a smirk on her face.

"What if I'm not kidding?" She whispered and Lingling was cornered in to the wall.

"Go away!" Lingling pushed Orm but She didn't even moved and inch so Orm grabbed the chance and pinned her into the wall.

"Why? Let's make this night memorable" Orm whispered in Lingling's ears and licked it causing Lingling to blushed as a tomato.

"Stop, I'm hungry" lingling said and Covered Orm's mouth when she's about to kiss her.

"Ugh! Fine, let's go" Orm said and Lingling Sighs in relief.

*At the dinner table

"Here, I cooked you this" Orm said and gives the omelette to Lingling.

"Thankyou" She said and smiled

*/ Knock, Knock
Someone knocked in their apartment.

"Do you have a visitors coming?" Orm asked and lingling shrugged

"No, I didn't even invited anyone" lingling said

"Ok, then let me go and checked on it" Orm said and walked towards the door.

Orm opened the door and screamed in shock.

"Sawat!!!" She screamed and hugged him.

Lingling stands up and walked towards them she then saw Orm hugging Sawat Tightly and it makes her blood boil.

"Ohh, hey Sawat" lingling said with a fake smile on her face.

"How did you find us?" Orm said and breaks the hug.

"I asked everyone here in the city, thankfully a Man knows where you lived" He said

"Uhm, come in we're having a dinner. Do you want to join us?" Lingling said and Sawat nodes

"Thank you I'm so hungry because I've walked for hours just to see you two" Sawat said and sat on the chair.

"Here, taste this" Orm gives Sawat an omelette, he then began eating it and turned to Orm.

"Did you cooked this? It's so delicious!!" He said while eating .

lingling was glaring at them at the other side of the table.

"Tsk!" She rolled her eyes.

"Yes, does it taste bad?" Orm said to Sawat in disappointed face

"No! It's so delicious" Sawat replied and Orm smiled.

"Whatever, I've lost my appetite." Lingling spoke out of nowhere and walked out leaving them wondering why she left.

"What happened to her?" Orm said and turned to Sawat.

"I don't know? Why did she leave?" -sawat

" I don't know either" -Orm

"Anyway, I have to tell you something" -sawat

"What is it?" Orm said interestedly

"It's just that-, nevermind I'll tell you later" -sawat

"Uhmm ok?" Orm replied while scratching her neck

After eating, Sawat said that he was leaving and Orm opened the gate for him. Orm was about to close the gate but Sawat stopped her.

"Remember what I said earlier?" Sawat said while holding the gate

"Yes? What is it?" Orm said waiting for his answer

"I like you" Sawat said and Orm was shocked.

"Sorry but I don't feel the same way and You have a Wife" Orm said and Sawat Sighs

"I'm really sorry if I had a feeling for you" -sawat

"It's ok" Orm said coldly

"Just forget what I've said and let's just be friends" Sawat said and Orm nodes

"Can I hug you goodbye? I think this would be our last meeting since my wife wanted to moved out" Sawat said and Orm hugged him

"Goodbye" they both speak

A little later they broke the hug and said goodbye to each other. Little did they know that Lingling was looking at them from the window with a furious face.

"What the F?" Lingling said while looking at them

The window is soundproof so she didn't heard their conversation.

"Sawat, I'll skin you alive!" lingling screamed.

Orm entered the apartment and switch the light on and saw Lingling was in the Chair waiting for her.

"Well, well, well" Lingling spoke in a serious voice

"Woah!" Orm screamed because she's shocked

"Why are you there?" -Orm

"I'm waiting for you" she said in a serious tone that made Orm shaking nervously.

"Okayy?" Orm said waiting for her answer

"Where did you go?" Lingling asked

"Ohh, I'm just outside chatting with Sawat before he leave" Orm said and Lingling raised one of her eyebrows.

"Really? And nothing else?" Lingling said while stairing at Orm's eyes that made her nervous.

"She can't know that Sawat confessed to me, she'll be mad of course" Orm said in her mind

"So?" Lingling said and Orm smiled awkwardly

"Yes, nothing else" Orm said

"Tssk! Liar!"  Lingling rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving Orm unaware what's going on.

"Hey wait!" Orm grabbed Lingling's hand and Lingling looked at her.

"Ok, fine! I lied" Orm said and Lingling crossed her arm and Sighs.

"Then tell me" -lingling

"But don't be mad ok?" Lingling looked at Orm

"Yeah right" Lingling said Coldly

"He confessed at me but don't worry he said that he's moving out and this was his last visit" Orm said and hugged lingling

"Sorry And please don't be mad ok?" Orm said with puppy eyes that makes Lingling's Heart melt.

"Apology accepted" Lingling hugged Orm back.

"Uhm, ling?" Orm said while fidgeting her hands.

"Yes?" Lingling replied

"Can we watch movies and hangout?" Orm said and Lingling was shocked.

"Why all of the sudden? It's night and I don't think Cinemas are open at this late of hour" -lingling.

"But, we could watch here at home" Orm said with a smiley face

"Ok then I'm in!" Lingling said excitedly

Orm walk to the kitchen and grabbed the corn to cooked it as popcorn, while Lingling in the other hand was setting up the television.

A little later Orm came back with a bowl full of popcorn

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⏰ Last updated: 19 hours ago ⏰

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