I woke up from what simply was the best sleep of my life. I was used to sleeping on the softest mattresses before, but this was another level of soft. I went out of the room and started walking down the corridor. This place looked straight out of a sci-fi film. There were experimental rooms, training grounds, and loads upon loads of customs. They had everything anyone could or couldn't imagine.
As I kept walking until I heard Dimitri's voice. He was speaking quietly so quietly, so I hid behind the door to listen to what he was saying.
"...We don't have anyone who can do it...and it's too dangerous."
"You need to be more cooperative, Kid, or else your and little curly red head's lives will be in danger", replied to him what sounded like Lady Swan.
"You said she was a hacker, right? She should help...", said a voice that I didn't recognize.
They all stayed quiet for a second before Dimitri sighed and opened the door. He looked at me with a smirk on his face as he spoke again, "How long are you planning to eavesdrop, shortie?"
I froze in my place. Shortie? What was that about? And more importantly, how did he know I was here?
"Since when did you know about my presence?"
"Since you came. Your breathing is really loud."
Okay, rude AND my breathing is normal. I decided to just ignore him and walked in. I saw Lady Swan standing there with her arms crossed as she looked at Dimitri.
"Seems your senses have been heightened, Kid. I'm impressed."
Next to Lady Swan stood the most gorgeous Asian woman my eyes have never seen. What really caught my attention were her freckles. It was my first time seeing an Asian with freckles and God was she beautiful. The girl walked to me and extended her hand for a handshake as she smiled, two dimples appearing on her cheek.
"Hi! I'm Akari. Nice to meet you"
I slowly lifted my hand as I took her hand and shook it. This girl seemed so bright. She was very different from everyone around here.
"Nice to meet you, Akari...I'm Alicia"
"I know. The newcomer. I'm so excited to work with you!"
She let out a giggle before leaning in and whispering, "I'm so glad to have a friend here, these two grumpy heads are a true pain."
I couldn't hold back my laughter as she called Dimitri and Lady Swan 'grumpy'. However, I couldn't deny that it was true. They didn't really seem like the cheerful type.
Dimitri looked at me for a moment then turned his gaze to Lady Swan who nodded in return before he looked back at me and spoke, "Alicia, we need your help with something."
"What 'something' is that exactly?"
"We need you to hack into the security system of a vault. Can you do that?"
I did a dramatic hair flip before replying, "Oh, I can hack into anything."
Dimitri rolled his eyes then pressed a button then a hologram showed up. It was a detailed hologram of some mansion I've never seen before. Dimitri then started explaining everything.
"This is the Hollister mansion. It may seem like your typical rich family's house, but in reality, it's much more than that. This place has the highest security we've ever seen. And we need to get something from inside it"
"What do you want from inside?"
"A black opal called Lunaris...this stone is important. I can't tell you why, but it's really really valuable. Now we've located it in the basement of the mansion. That means four trap doors, shock lasers, alert lasers, a fingerprint lock and a vault inside."
I stared at him for a moment nodding my head slowly, "Aha..."
"Don't go dumb now, shortie. We need your professional hacking skills. That gem is the key to saving our lives."
His words sounded extremely terrifying but also kinda...exciting? This was the most adrenalin rush I've ever felt in my life, but I was still a bit hesitant, "I don't know...I..""I'll buy you a new laptop"
"You got yourself a deal!"
I felt a bit dumb about agreeing so quickly, but he did say that this could save my life and I obviously wanted to be safe. I DEFINITELY wasn't doing this for the new computer.
"Take her to Wyatt. She still needs a lot of training", said Lady Swan.
After that Dimitri and Akari took me to the coolest lab I've ever seen in my life. This was really starting to feel like a movie. I walked over to one of the tables as I saw a belt on it. I picked it up and looked at it for a moment before speaking, "I didn't know spies were big fans of fashion."
"It's not for fashion. It's a tool, but yeah it does look nice", a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw a guy with the fluffiest brown hair and black glasses walking over. He wore a lab coat and from what I understood, he was the great inventor>
"I'm Wyatt. You must be Alicia, right?"
"How does everybody in here know me?"
Wyatt chuckled as he spoke again, "You're like a celebrity here.". Wyatt then took the belt from me and pressed on a button and suddenly a long metal stick came out of it.
"You think that's impressive? Wait until you see the rest..."
"Wyatt", Dimitri interrupted, "I'll leave our guest in yours and Akari's hands to train her. Don't waste the time on useless chitchat"
"Yes, Kid"
Dimitri then walked out of the lab without saying as much as a word to me. Great.
Akari put her arm around my shoulder as she spoke, "Come on. You're in good hands."
"So...what exactly am I training for?"
"The mission of course", replied Wyatt, "I'll be providing you with your equipment and will teach you how to use it. As for Akari..."
"I'll be your physical trainer", said Akari
"Physical trainer? Why do I need physical training?"
"Just in case we needed to sneak you somewhere. It's just self defense really. Nothing to worry about."
I was still so confused by the whole thing, but actually being around Akari and Wyatt was a bit less tense than being around Dimitri and Lady Swan. Little did I know the training I was going to face...

Code Names
Mystery / ThrillerAlicia wasn't ever really social. And with money and computers she never had to be. So, what happens when some weird code appears on her screen?