Chapter 22

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Beyonce as Isis

Percy POV

We turned around and appeared a gorgeous woman dressed in gold jewelry that made her appear like a queen.

"Isis it's been a long time! How you've been?" Artemis said in joy as she ran up to hug the goddess.

"Artemis darling it's been too long! I've been wonderful. And you?"


"So what's up?" Isis led us to a booth and we took our seats "As much as I'd love to believe that you just miss me ha-ha, there must be an agenda behind your visit that you'd cross the domains of the Egyptian pantheon." She said amused

"You mean don't know yet?" I asked

"Know what?"

"Isis, the ancient laws have been broken and the divine plane between pantheons have been blurred out." Artemis said

"What? Blurred out? How?"

"The gods of other cultures are now free to trespass between each other now and a war between gods has been started! The earth goddess of our pantheon has broken the barrier between mortal and immortal." Artemis explained

Isis took in the news and began contemplating, she was in deep thought. "Hearing this, does explain a lot"

"Explain what Isis?" I asked

"The other Egyptian gods are getting a little nervous. You see a couple days ago we felt a tremor that shook down the Brooklyn House, the place where Egyptian sorcerers reside and train. We felt the veil that separated the mundane world from the magical world tear apart, and now the mundane are getting suspicious about the place and we've been getting unwanted attention. If what you is true then we are facing a universal epidemic that risks the destruction of thousands of years of built civilization!"

"Exactly, which is why we've come for your help. Our gods have been locked in sort of my control and we hope that your expertise and magic can help break whatever control they are in." Artemis said

"Where are they now?"

"My friends have them while searching for you actually at the other side of Brooklyn."

"Well lets call them here then--" Isis was interrupted by a blast that threw us to the other side of the cafe.

I heard the room beginning to fill with the sound of heavy boots stomping and shields clanking. An arrow shot into my shoulder and the stinging feeling of pain surged through.

"Percy!--" Artemis yelled but she was cut-off with soldiers colliding into her.

Isis engulfed herself in light and out she emerged dressed as a battle-mage, power radiating off her. "Go back to the shadows servants of Set!"

With her power she summoned soldiers of sand, equipped with fiery swords "Attack my creations!"

Sparks began fly as swords met with forceful blows. Isis turned to us and ran towards our aid. "Hold still Percy this is going to hurt" I readied myself as she then pulled the arrow out of me.  

"Hurry come on! We can't waste time fighting against them, as much as we'd like" Isis said while getting Artemis on her feet "To the Brooklyn House! We can regroup with your friends there and figure out our plans!" 

We dash forth into the streets as we followed Isis, turning corners swiftly as we moved further into the heart of the city. Arrows began to fly pass us and I turned my head to see that a group of those dark soldiers from earlier are on our tail. "How are they able to track us? They were busy fighting my soldiers when we left?" 

"There was probably another squadron watching the surrounding area" Artemis said as we quickened our pace "Either way we're still outnumbered!" 

"I don't understand how they're able to almost meet our level of power as gods." I said

"That is a question we need to figure out the answer too" Isis said. "We're close to the base, a group of magicians should be on guard duty. We can make our stand there!" 

"Well we need to get there faster, they're getting faster and closer" 

As we turned the corner a presence appeared next to me "Hey we've been looking all over for you guys!" and I see that it is Chronos. 

"Chronos! Thank the Maker you guys found us!" Artemis said "Where's Nyx?" 

"She'll be arriving right about in 3..2..1" I heard an explosion behind us and I see a building collapsing down upon the soldiers. The ground shakes as the building walls come crashing down and the crying noises of the soldiers are heard. 

"That should hold them down for a while" Nyx appeared running next to us .

The surrounding area panics as the scene of a building collapsing is witnessed by the mundane of the area. The streets are flooded with frantic people trying to run away from the scene and the sound of the city's emergency unit vehicles begins to be heard. " 

"Well you sure made a scene Nyx" Chronos said 

"Well at least if the heavy stone won't keep them down, the stampeding mob surely will" Nyx laughed 

We continued to run for a couple more blocks until we stopped at what seemed like an enormous abandoned building. Isis lead us towards a wooden door with no knobs. 

"How do you open it?" I asked

Suddenly the door begins to open from the inside and a guy comes walking out wielding a curved sword. "With magic of course." 

"Carter, nice seeing you again darling. Where is your sister Sadie?" 

"Hello goddess Isis, my sister is inside." He turns towards us "Who are they?" 

"They're... friends" 


Next Chapter will appear during the first week of August 


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