Freddie's Shortcut Stories

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There are many twists and turns in the High Hills, and nobody knows them better than Freddie. Freddie knows every part of the Skarloey Railway. Whether if it's the tracks that every engine uses today, or the old abandoned tracks that most engines no longer use. He even knows every bend or twist, every nook and cranny. 

One day, Freddie was puffing through the hot sun, pulling trucks filled with bricks. Thomas was collecting them from him at the Transfer Yards. As he pulled to a stop at the station by the lake for his Driver and Fireman and Guard to have a drink from the Refreshment Lady, he saw Peter Sam approach looking hot and bothered. 

"You okay, Peter Sam?" 

"Phew! Just about," panted Peter Sam, "I sometimes run a bit late getting here with the Teashop Special Coach. The coach is in the depot and then I have to climb uphill all the way here in only half an hour after doing my work at the Blue Mountain Quarry. It gets very exhausting. I'm only glad I can wind down my axles as I stop at the locations along the way." 

Freddie had a thought. 

"It sounds to me like you need a new route to the station, Peter Sam. Why don't you take the old Lake Line route?" 

"What's the Lake Line route?" asked Peter Sam. 

"It's one of my old shortcuts," said Freddie. "Not many use it nowadays since the main line to the stations were built but once upon a time, I used it all the time to get from the depot to the lake station. It was still uphill but there are less signals, less bumps and it's a nice straight line to the lakes. You'd get from the depot to here in half the time!" 

Peter Sam was delighted with that idea. 

"Please tell me about it, Freddie!" 

Freddie told a story of how he used to travel the line to the lake. 

"Before several of the stations and bridges were built, the line was just one route from the depot beyond the sheds to the lake station. It was an uphill picnic resort for the holidaymakers. I used to rush up that hill all the time. I raced up it, I enjoyed the view from it and my passengers loved the simple route. Direct and quick." 

"And then it closed down?" asked Peter Sam grimly. 

"Yes," sighed Freddie, "as I said, when the line expanded to more stations, the Lake Line became less and less necessary and finally, it was rendered useless and was closed down. I still secretly used it when I needed to move cargo in a hurry, but I could no longer share it with the passengers. But you, myself and the Refreshment Lady could always enjoy it tomorrow?" 

"Oh, yes please, Freddie!" peeped Peter Sam. 

"That Does sound wonderful!" added the Refreshment Lady. 

"In fact, if there is a suitable spot for visitors, I could persuade Mr Percival to make it a permanent place for the Teashop Special to stop at, if you agree, of course?" asked Mrs Percival to the Refreshment Lady. 

"Delightful idea!" 

And so it was agreed. 

Freddie delivered the bricks to Thomas and told him all about his idea for the Lake Line route and the Teashop Special. 

"That sounds like an excellent way to save the route, Freddie," smiled Thomas. 

Freddie certainly hoped it would work. 

The following morning, Freddie waited at the depot for Peter Sam. 

Peter Sam puffed in from the Quarry looking worried. 

"I'm a bit late today, I'm sorry." 

"No trouble once we cross the Lake Line," promised Freddie, coupling the Teashop Special Coach to Peter Sam. 

"Lead the way then, Freddie," wheeshed Peter Sam. 

Freddie did so. He led Peter Sam away from the depot and then they came to a track slightly hard to spot due to overgrowth around it. Freddie pushed past some low branches to clear the way for Peter Sam. 

"It's literally a straight line from here to the station. You should be there in no time at all." 

"I hope you're right, Freddie. I only have half the time left!" 

Freddie Was right. He and Peter Sam pulled into the station in perfect time. 

"It seems your old line is still as reliable today as it was before, Freddie," smiled Mrs Percival. 

"Ar, yes, ma'am." 

"After the Teashop Special and my shift finish, I'd like to explore this line of yours, Freddie, then I'll show my husband if I think the line can become a place for the special." 

"I will be here, ma'am," promised Freddie. 

Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady finished the Teashop Special later that afternoon, and by then, Mrs Percival was ready to go with Freddie. 

"Good luck, Freddie," peeped Peter Sam. 

Mrs Percival was most impressed by the line, and she saw some old stairs leading from the embankment where the track was down to a grassy field not far from the lake. 

"It's a beautiful spot for a picnic area," she said, "and I'm sure Mr Percival would approve it for the Teashop Special too!" 

Freddie beamed happily. 

"Thank you, ma'am!" 

Mr Percival arranged it just as his wife had asked. 

Soon the track was cleaned up, the area was trimmed and the field was stacked with lots of benches and tables for the picnic area. 

Freddie was happy to be given a small train to take visitors to the Lake Line Picnic Area, and he would often see Peter Sam and the Teashop Special come there to the delight of the visitors. 

"It's nice to see you on your line, Freddie," said Peter Sam, "and it's even nicer to know your old line is Really Useful again!" 

Freddie smiled. 

"Yes, it is, Peter Sam. It takes me back so much..." 

And Peter Sam listened to another one of Freddie's stories about his shortcuts and forgotten tracks. 

(The End!)

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