At 8:40 by the bus stop I stand with my back pack
With me, someone calls my name like they forgot
Something I look around and there's a man
Standing with a walker across the street the road
Like a bridge, if he crosses to me he'll probably
seen what was in my eyes
That I don't know him,
But I have seen him many times
In the back of me someone responds to his call
With the same name, mines, saying "yeah, i didn't forget."
At 9:16 I reach to work sixteen minutes late since I
Have to walk once I have gotten off the bus
I wish the bus would start dropping passengers at
their destination instead of close by
Close by meaning at the door,
Which is the destination.
The road seems long and it's two weeks since my
Memory have surface back wish it didn't stop at the
Door and kept going like the bus ride.
Wish the bus didn't had to stop to drop me off my
close by destination.
-ashes poetry
PoetryA collections of poems papiyon means butterfly in Haitian Creole language ©️ Ashley Francios 2024-2025