Chapter 1: The Arrangement

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The quiet hum of the city blended with the rhythmic clicking of Xiao Zhan's shoes as he strode into the opulent meeting room, the crisp scent of fresh coffee in the air. The vast glass windows of his family's office building offered a panoramic view of Shanghai, but today, Xiao Zhan's usual enthusiasm for the city’s pulse was dulled. Something was off—his parents had called him here urgently, which was unusual, even for them.

As he reached the room, the heavy oak doors swung open to reveal his parents sitting at the table. His father, Xiao Cheng, a well-respected name in the fashion industry, had a calm yet serious expression on his face. His mother, Liu Mei, a former model and now co-owner of the family business, smiled warmly, though a hint of nervousness flickered in her eyes.

"Ah, Zhan," his father greeted him, gesturing toward the chair across from them. "Sit down. We have something important to discuss."

Xiao Zhan raised an eyebrow. "This sounds ominous." He took his seat, leaning back slightly. "Is this about the new winter collection? I told the design team we'd make adjustments."

Liu Mei shook her head, her soft voice cutting through the air. "No, Zhan, this isn't about the business. It’s… personal."

Personal? Xiao Zhan straightened in his seat, his mind racing. The last time his parents had used that tone, they'd tried setting him up with one of his mother’s friends' daughters—a disaster that ended with Xiao Zhan leaving mid-dinner. He wasn't interested in matchmaking, no matter how much his parents wished otherwise.

Xiao Cheng cleared his throat, exchanging a glance with his wife. "Zhan, you're 29 now, successful, and admired by many. But your mother and I... we’ve noticed something. You've been so focused on your work and your social circles, but none of them seem serious."

Xiao Zhan’s lips twitched into a smile. "What are you saying, Dad? That I'm not serious enough to settle down?"

"Exactly," his father said, straightforward as always. "You need someone who can challenge you, ground you. Someone who can be a partner, not just another fleeting romance."

His mother chimed in gently. "We’ve been speaking with the Wang family."

Xiao Zhan blinked. The Wang family? One of the wealthiest tech dynasties in China, with a reputation for being as traditional as they were powerful. And their only son, **Wang Yibo**—stoic, quiet, and utterly uninterested in anything that wasn’t related to business.

A sinking feeling washed over Xiao Zhan as realization dawned on him. "Wait, are you… are you proposing an arranged marriage?"

Liu Mei nodded, a look of pleading in her eyes. "Zhan, this isn’t just about convenience. We’ve known the Wang family for years. They’re good people, and they share our concerns. Wang Yibo is someone we believe can be a true partner for you."

Xiao Zhan leaned forward, his eyes flashing with incredulity. "You think I’m compatible with Wang Yibo? The man barely speaks! He’s as emotional as a stone."

Xiao Cheng sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is why we think it could work. You're different in many ways, but sometimes opposites complement each other. Besides, he's intelligent, successful, and—"

"Boring," Xiao Zhan muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.

Liu Mei’s tone softened even more. "We just want what's best for you, Zhan. You've always been so open, so full of life. But none of the people around you seem to really understand you. Wang Yibo… he may seem distant, but he’s brilliant, focused. He could bring balance to your life."

Xiao Zhan stared at his parents, feeling as though the room was closing in on him. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. They expected him to marry Wang Yibo? The same Wang Yibo who barely acknowledged him at industry events, who was all work and no play? The idea was preposterous.

But beneath the shock, there was something else. A flicker of curiosity. What was it about Wang Yibo that made his parents think they could work together?

"And what if I say no?" Xiao Zhan asked, a challenging glint in his eyes.

His father didn’t hesitate. "Then we’ll respect your decision. But Zhan, at least meet with him. Give it a chance. If it doesn’t work out, we won’t push further. But we think you might surprise yourself."


Across the city, in a sleek, modern office tower, Wang Yibo sat in a conference room, reviewing quarterly reports on his tablet. The room was silent, save for the occasional tapping of fingers against glass. His assistant, Chen Jie, stood by, waiting for any instructions.

The door creaked open, and Wang Yibo’s father, Wang Xiang, entered, his presence as commanding as ever. A tall man with graying hair and sharp features, Wang Xiang exuded authority. He was the founder of one of China’s leading tech conglomerates, and Wang Yibo had followed in his footsteps without missing a beat.

"Yibo," his father said in a measured tone, taking a seat opposite him. "We need to talk about something important."

Wang Yibo set down his tablet, his expression impassive. "Is this about the new acquisition?"

Wang Xiang shook his head. "No. It’s about your future."

The words hung in the air, heavy with implication. Wang Yibo knew exactly where this was going, and he wasn’t particularly thrilled.

His father continued, his gaze unwavering. "You’ve built a reputation for yourself, Yibo. Your work is impeccable. But that’s all you focus on. You need balance in your life. You need someone who can… complement you."

Wang Yibo’s jaw clenched slightly. "And you think marriage is the answer?"

Wang Xiang leaned forward. "I think Xiao Zhan is the answer."

At the mention of the name, Wang Yibo’s eyes flickered with recognition. Xiao Zhan—his opposite in almost every conceivable way. Where Wang Yibo was quiet and reserved, Xiao Zhan was loud and vivacious. Their paths had crossed many times at business events, but they’d barely spoken beyond polite greetings.

"He’s frivolous," Wang Yibo said bluntly. "He’s not serious about anything."

"Not true," Wang Xiang countered. "He’s passionate, creative, and respected in his industry. You might not see it now, but he has qualities that would balance your own. And frankly, you’re not giving him a fair chance."

Wang Yibo looked away, his expression unreadable. An arranged marriage? It sounded like an archaic solution to a problem he didn’t believe existed. He was fine on his own. He didn’t need anyone.

But his father wasn’t someone to be dismissed lightly.

"Think about it," Wang Xiang said, standing up. "We’ve arranged a meeting with the Xiao family. Just meet with him. If you decide it’s not worth pursuing, we won’t force you. But I think you’ll find more common ground than you expect."

Wang Yibo said nothing as his father left the room, the door clicking shut behind him.

He sat there for a moment, staring at the polished surface of the table in front of him. Xiao Zhan… of all people.

This was going to be interesting.

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