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After Karthik and I ended things, I felt as if my entire world had collapsed. The vibrant dreams I had woven with him seemed to fade away, leaving me in a fog of confusion and heartache. The moments I thought would last forever now felt like distant memories. But amid the sorrow, there was one constant in my life: Sage.

Sage had been my lifeline. She stepped in when I felt like I was drowning, offering support and love when I didn’t even realize I needed it. We spent countless hours together, laughing, crying, and building a friendship that became my refuge. With her, I felt safe to be vulnerable, to share my fears, and to slowly reclaim the pieces of myself I thought I had lost forever.

“Let’s create something beautiful,” Sage had suggested one night while we were surrounded by sketches and fabric swatches, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Let’s channel all this energy into our work.”

And that’s exactly what we did. Our late-night brainstorming sessions turned into a full-blown fashion line, one that celebrated resilience and empowerment. It was exhilarating to work alongside someone so passionate and talented, and I found myself rejuvenated in ways I hadn’t expected.

But it wasn’t just the project that ignited something within me. It was Sage. As we poured our hearts into our work, I began to see her in a new light. Her laughter, her fierce determination, and the way she could always lift my spirits made my heart flutter in a way I had never felt before.

That night, after our showcase, the atmosphere in Sage’s apartment shifted. I could feel the tension crackling between us as we celebrated our success. She looked at me, a softness in her gaze that sent butterflies dancing in my stomach.

“Aria, I’m so proud of you,” she said, and I felt warmth blossom in my chest. “You’ve come so far, and you deserve all the happiness in the world.”

Her words touched me deeply, and as I gazed into her eyes, the walls I had built around my heart began to crumble. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Sage. You’ve been my rock through everything.”

In that moment, I felt a spark—something electric and real. I wanted to reach for her, to confess the feelings that had been bubbling beneath the surface, but fear held me back. What if this ruined our friendship? What if she didn’t feel the same way?

Before I could lose my nerve, she spoke again. “Aria, I need to tell you something. I’ve felt something between us for a while now. I think… I think I’m falling for you.”

A rush of relief flooded through me, mingling with excitement. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to say that. I’m falling for you too, Sage.”

In that moment, it felt like the universe had aligned perfectly. We leaned in closer, our lips meeting in a soft kiss that was both gentle and electric. It was as if the world around us melted away, leaving just the two of us, finally free to explore this new chapter together.

Pulling back, I looked into her eyes, my heart full. “You’ve helped me heal, Sage. You’ve shown me that love doesn’t have to hurt. With you, I feel safe.”

Her smile was radiant, lighting up the dim room. “We’re in this together now, Aria. Let’s build something beautiful—together.”

From that day forward, everything changed. What started as a friendship blossomed into a deep, abiding love. We supported each other’s dreams, celebrated our successes, and faced the challenges of life hand in hand. Sage brought a joy into my life that I hadn’t known I was missing, and I felt more alive than ever.

Looking back, I realized that my heartbreak with Karthik had paved the way for this new beginning. I had learned about love and loss, but now I was discovering the beauty of a love built on friendship, trust, and mutual respect.

Sage was not just my partner in business; she was my partner in life. Together, we found a love that was both passionate and nurturing, one that filled the empty spaces in my heart and made me feel whole again. With her by my side, I was ready to embrace whatever the future held, knowing that we would face it together.

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