Hope you all like this chapter. Love you all so so much!
Vihaan ~
"So, let me get this straight," Yash said, leaning back in his chair with a smirk that I wanted to wipe off his face. "In the three months that I've been gone, you told Shivanya you love her, set up a wager you lost, and now you have no bloody clue how to get her to marry you?"
I shot him a glare. "Thanks for summing it up, genius."
He snorted. "Raichand, you didn't just lose the wager. You screwed it up so badly, I'm surprised she hasn't filed a restraining order. You're a real catch, Vihaan."
I groaned. "Do you ever shut up?"
"Only when I'm sleeping," he said with a shit-eating grin. "But you wouldn't know that, because you're the one who never sleeps. Always plotting world domination or some other nonsense."
"Remind me why I still talk to you?" I muttered, rubbing my temples as he chuckled, clearly enjoying himself.
"Because no one else has the balls to call you out on your crap," Yash said, leaning forward. "And let's face it, you need it. You think you can throw a couple of grand gestures at her and she'll fall into your arms? Newsflash, you aren't some Bollywood hero, Raichand."
"Thank God for that," I said dryly.
Yash grinned wider, the smug bastard. "No, but you've got the emotional range of a brick, which is just as bad. You're telling me the Vihaan Raichand, Mr. Hawk of the Court can't figure out how to get a girl to say yes? Bloody hell, man, even I managed to convince someone to marry me. And you? You've been overthinking the whole damn thing."
I rolled my eyes, staring at him in disbelief. "Your idea of romance was taking Nisha to a cricket match and getting drunk on cheap beer. You really think I should be taking advice from you?"
"Worked, didn't it?" Yash smirked, clearly pleased with himself. "And just so we're clear, it wasn't cheap beer. It was slightly above average. But you, you're treating Shivanya like she's one of your business deals. Have you even tried being... I don't know, normal with her?"
I crossed my arms, leaning back in my chair. "Normal? And what exactly does normal mean to you?"
"Anything that does not have Vihaan Raichand written all over it."
"That's rich coming from the guy who proposed with a ring hidden in a sandwich."
He threw his head back and laughed. "Worked, though! And it's still a better plan than whatever the hell you've got going on. Seriously, you're making this harder than it needs to be. She's not your latest case. She's Shivanya. You know, the woman you're supposedly in love with?"
I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. "What do you suggest then? Enlighten me, since you're the relationship expert."
He grinned like a cat who just caught a mouse. "Easy. You stop trying to win her with your big gestures and start showing her why she should marry you. You're already Vihaan Raichand—just be the guy she actually wants. Not the one with the grand plans but the one who knows how to make her laugh, who's there when she needs someone."
I stared at him, surprised at the bit of wisdom that managed to sneak its way through his usual idiocy.
"And if that fails," he added, grin widening again, "you can always just lock her in a room until she says yes."
I groaned. "Get out of my house, Yash."
"Would you like me to throw you out instead, Vihaan?" Maa jumped in immediately in his defence while she served another bowl of custard to the leech.

RomanceMr. Raichand, you are my boss, not my therapist. I don't find it professional." I told the man sitting opposite to me in his black suit and thumb pressing his lip as he continued to look at me. " Shivanya, things have never been professional between...