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Short chapter

Mellanie's Pov

Dear Diary,

     Yesterday,my mom and dad told me that i will apply in music and dancing club,but i dont want to apply cuz im too shy. My parents are the ones only knows how much my voice is beautiful. I dont usualy show my talent on public cuz im too shy and scared i dont know why but i just need to find my also i called like me. Well once again nice talking to you diary,i will write again later after the classes are gone. Love you ""_""


Hi guys my name is MELLANIE TEGNA ALCANTARA 18 y.o i am a collage student in WEST COLLAGE TOP SCHOOL-(WCTS).

Im a music lover and also a dancer but i dont show my talents in public i just dont want to everybody know my true self cuz when im in school im just calm and i just only have one friend only. And that is Sister Jane she is older than ne in 2 years shes already 20 years old she doesnt like to sing but she really likes to dance. She knows how beautiful my voice when im singing. She has a brother and that is also my classmate but i dont know what is his name and his face cuz i dont talk to other people also especially in my classmates im actually a loner in the classroom.

"Mellanie dinner is ready."i hear Mark my twin brother called me actually he's older in me in 3 minutes so sometimes i call him big bro.

"Coming i will just fix my things!"i replied

So i clean my notebooks and some wattpad books yeah i have wattpad books im a Kathniel and Jadine fan. I like kathniel and jadine cuz their wattpad stories and movies are really cool and awsome. Then my most favorite notebook my diary and especially my songbook. And then i go out to my room and go to the dining area to eat with my family.


This chapter about MELLANIE is just a little information about herself.

♡the author-blessie_may21

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