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It's done Rachel! I never thought I'd ever finish My Friend the Worm. It took seventeen years. There were years when I didn't even touch it. I didn't even want to think about it because it had become just another failure in my life. If you hadn't helped me fix it up, if you hadn't spent all that time editing my story, it wouldn't be half as good as it is now. I wanted to trash this story so many times. I wanted to burn it. There were times I hated it. Truly hated it, as if it were another dimension of myself that I couldn't bear to look at.

But you always believed in my book even when I didn't. You loved my characters and enjoyed developing them. You helped my world, my vision, come to life. You breathed life into my story's universe when it was all but dead. I will forever be grateful for what you did for me.

I can't wait to hear what strangers have to say about my story. The good and the bad. I hope it will be as meaningful to them as it's been for me. I may write other novels in the future, but nothing will ever be as special to me or as close to my heart as My Friend the Worm is. Thanks Rach! I couldn't have been blessed with a better sister.

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