~ Chapter Two - The First Day ~

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As you reach the door to the great hall, you hear footsteps behind you. You turn around to see Remus smiling at you. "Well, good morning Miss Black." He says as he opens the doors. "Good morning to you too Professor Lupin" you smile at him as you proceed to walk to the table. You both glance over to McGonagall and give her a friendly smile. "My first class is with the Gryffindor and slytherin third years" you say. Remus rolls his eyes and explains that he's got his third years second period. You glance over at Harry thinking back to the previous night and his questions. You stand up and make your way over to the Gryffindor table. "Harry can I speak to you outside the hall please?" You say. He stands up and looks at his friends as if to say, I don't know, and he follows you out the hall. 

 "I want to talk to you about last night and your questions." You say. "Yes, I am related to Sirius Black. I'm his sister. He was best friends with your dad you know?" The look on Harry's face told you that he didn't know that and that you probably traumatised the poor thirteen year old. "Oh, my, God! I'm so sorry I thought you knew that. Surely someone told you." The look on his face clearly said no. You decide to just send him back into the hall. You follow closely behind making your way back to the teachers table. "Well, how did that go?" Remus asked. You explain what you said and how he looked and of course Remus backs Harry up. "Well, in all fairness, you did say that a murderer was friends with his dad and that you're said murderers sister" 

Well when he put it like that it did make sense. "You're very wise Remus." You say as Dumbledore sends the children off to lessons. Remus chuckles and nods. "Well I think we should both get to our first lessons." He says as you both stand up and head off to your classrooms. Remus goes one way and you go the other. As you walk down the corridor you see your class queuing up outside the classroom. "You may come in class." You hear a blonde haired slytherin mutter something under his breath. You know exactly who he is. He's Draco Malfoy. You hear Harry talk about him when you went to tell him information. You spot Harry in the crowd of students and give him a smile. He still looks very annoyed with you but you don't blame him. You start the class off with the register. 

 "Hermione Granger?"

 "Here miss!" 

 "Ronald Weasley?"

 "Yeah?" The class giggle "Oh, here miss..." 

 "Draco Malfoy?" 


 "Harry Potter"

 "Here miss" 

This went on for another three minutes and then you get started on the lesson. Your first ever time teaching charms. You start the class off with some simple charms that they should know and see where they're all in ability wise. Then you progress through the harder charms. You see that only Miss Granger manages to get to the specific charms for third year. You take mental not that she will need more challenging charms for her next lesson. Before you know it, the lesson is over and you have your Fifth Years.

You pack everything away and set out parchment and the resources that your Fifth Years need for their lesson and invite them in. You had asked Miss Granger what subject they had next and they are in Care of Magical Creatures. Your class went along smoothly and before the next lesson started you decided to have a quick catch up with Remus. You made a brisk walk to the DADA classroom to see Remus setting up his lessons for the third years. "Remus!" You say strolling in. 

 "Ah! y/n! Nice to see you!" He says bringing you into a hug. Somehow you feel that hugging him feels right. You dismiss the thought and carry on with your interaction. "Do you mind if I watch your lesson? I have a free period and I really don't want to be wandering around the school helping Dumbledore and Minnie." You say

 "Minnie?" Remus looks confused.

 "McGonagall." You say. He nods and all of his students come streaming through the door. You make your way to the back of the classroom to watch their lesson. Lupin tells the students what they are doing and you smile. Neville Longbottom was the first up, he looked terrified the poor boy. You had experience with boggarts because there were at least three that lived in your house. Your mother never got rid of them because they caused too many problems. You kept smiling because Remus was so good with all the students. You think Neville was still a bit sad about his experience with Snape. Now you never talked to Snape but from what you heard from your students he's not very nice. Sirius always used to talk about someone with greasy hair and you didn't know and now that you're here you know exactly who he was on about. The when the boggart came out of the wardrobe, Snape appeared. You try to stifle a laugh but it comes out quite loud. The whole class turns around. 

"Professor Black, would you like to show the class how its done?" Remus says catching you off guard. 

"Yeah, sure" You stand up from the seat you were sat on and make your way to the front of the classroom.

Remus puts you in front of the boggart. You pull out your wand prepared to cast the spell. The boggart turns into your biggest fear, the moon. "Riddikulus!" You shout and the moon turns to a bouncy ball. You turn around and look at Remus. He looks shocked and you don't know why until he demonstrates as well. His fear is the moon too. You start to think. Is Remus a werewolf? Or is he just scared of the dark?


As the class finishes it's breaktime for the students and you stop Remus from walking out. He smiles at you and you start a conversation with him. Then after a while, an intrusive thought causes you to kiss him. He kisses you back after a bit of surprise and you both melt into it. After a few seconds, you break away and walk to the great hall. To gossip about the staff and students to Minnie. Remus is just stood in his classroom still shocked.

{-word count - 1092-}

A/n: juicyyyyyyyyy. excited to write the next chapter!

Yvonne out x

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2024 ⏰

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