Chapter 1

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7:00am. Maddison's alarm woke her almost instently. The soft sound of waves hitting against the shore continued to fill the room until Maddison's eyes finally opened. She reached over to her bed side table and locked her phone turning off the alarm. Today was the day that she had to move out of her childhood home. Maddison had never been a big fan of change. Ever since the age of 9 she had the same friends, routine and house so when her parents told her about the move she wasn't exactly happy. Maddison pulled back her butterfly duvay and placed her feet on to the soft fluffy carpet. She walked over to her wardrobe and opened the doors. Empty. "Great, what am I suppost to wear if all my clothes are in boxes?" She shut the doors and turned around to see a pair of dark blue high waisted demin shorts and a white crop top layed down on her dresser. "Oh." She walked over to her dresser avoiding all of the cardboard boxes filled with all off her stuff for the new house and picked up her clothes. Maddison just started getting dressed when she heard a voice shout from downstairs "Hurry up Maddie, the van will be her in 5 minuites to take all your stuff to the new house!" It was her Mother. Maddison's Mother was always stressing about something be it about the move or about work she was never relaxed. "Okay mum I'm gettting dressed now." She had just finished putting the last of her white converse shoes on when there was a knock on her bedrrom door and two men came in. "You must be Maddie?" Said one of the men who was about 6 times the size of Maddie and had a horrible long ginger beard. "Yes I am, I take it your here to come and take all my belongings to the house?" She asked walking over to get her suitcase. "Your right, we are little girl." The other man who was about 20 with dark brown and looked as if he didn't even know a shower existed. "I am not little I am 15 and please be careful with the boxes near my wardrobe they have very important things in." Maddie explained walking over to the bedroom door. "I am very sorry. Important stuff like what can I ask?" The dirty man asked. "Human organs." Maddison replied. The men stood there very still. "Oh okay." They said avoiding the boxes. Maddison skipped down the stairs laughing to herself. "Maddison don't run down the stairs! And what are you laughing at, you better not be tormenting them kind men again. There doing us a massive favour." Maddies mum said whilst neviously running about the sitting room making sure she hadn't forgotten to put anything important in boxes. "I wasn't running I was skipping and nothing I would never do anything to them.... nice men." Maddie replied heading to the kitchen. She went to open the fridge and her dad came in through the back door. "Good morning Maddie Moo, theres no time for breakfast now sweetie we are leaving now come on get in the car. Say your last goodbyes to the house and we will be off." Maddie huffed and walked back out of the kitchen into the sitting room. She stood there and staired at the picture of the moode that had been there since she was 5. Maddie sighed and walked out of the house. It was quite warm outside considering she lived in England where the weather is usually colder than every country in the world. She opened the car door and hopped in. Maddison was an only child so her parents always try and spoil her, but she prefairs to do things for herself.  "Dad where even is this house?" "In Berkshire, its in a lovley little village full with children." He said sounding quite excited himself. "Am I suppost to know where that is? Only I have no idea and that's great that there are children but Im not a child anymore Dad." Madide was getting more annoyed about the move by the minuite she just wanted to be back in her home. "Its in south east of England its near Reading." Her Dad replied still oblivious to the fact that she didn't want to be in this car one bit. Maddie just gave up put in her headphones and listened to some Arctic Monkeys to try and make her a bit more okay with the situation. After about an hour and a half they arrived.


Okay so that chapter went on a little longer than I expected! I know nothing big happened in this chapter but I just wanted you to get to know the main character a bit. Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter, I have a bit of an idea of what I want to happen in the next few chapters. The next one will be up very shortly I will be writing a lot more often now as it is the summer holidays, so I have seven weeks free. Please vote this and comment any questions and I will answer them all, also follow for notifications when I post a new chapter!! Speak soon:) x

- Emily Mae x

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