Chapter 2

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"Maddison. Maddison wake up we are here!!" Maddie was awoke by the sound of her to very excited parents screaming down her ears. "Lovley, I just can't wait to step into a 100 year old house and live a life of boredom and regret." Maddie replied sarcastically and streached her arm over to unplug her seat belt. She swung herself out of the car and stood there stairing at the house. It was really big and old looking, it reminded her of the house out of American Horror Story (the program she had been obsessed with for months). She lookd up and saw at the very top of the house was a huge window, she liked the window. "Isn't it just perfect!!" Her mum shouted whilst stood next to her admiring the house. "Well I've looked into it legally and I can't live on my own until I'm 16 so this will have to do" Maddie replied and turned her head towards her Mother to see her reply. She knew her mum hated it when she was so negative. "Oh for God sake Maddie why do you have to be so negative all the time, we treat you with a new house and this is how you repay us?" Maddies mum seemed to be getting annoyed. "If you wanted to treat me you should have left me at home." Maddison replied becoming quite amused by the situation. "I wish I did, and that is not your home anymore this is. I don't care if you like it or not we are staying her end of converstation Maddison." Her mother said as she walked up to the front door. "Enough girls stop this silly bickering, we can all do with a fresh start. See Maddie there is a lovely looking woods there for you to play in. Pick up your suitcase and choose a bedroom before you and your mother kill each other." Her dad quickly split up the on going argument and headed into the house. Maddison picked up her suitcase and followed them through the massive wooden door. The door lead straight to a hallway which was equally as big. "Maddie come in here we have a suprise for you!" Her dad shouted. Maddison made her way to the living room which was completly empty apart from a sofa and some boxes that has already been dropped off. In the middle of the room was a pink box 'ew pink' she thought to herself. She walked over to the box and looked at it "Well open it then." Her mother said still sounding quite annoyed. Maddie knelt down and opened the box. Inside was a brown labrador puppy fast asleep. Maddie wasnt a big fan of dogs put she could help but smile at how cute the little pup was. "Aw daddy thank you!! Its adorable!" Maddie said jumping up giving her dad a hug. "It's nothing just a little house warming gift for you." Her dad said "What are you going to call it?" He continued. "Urmm Cookie!!" Maddie said smiling uncontrolably. "That's lovley sweetheart now take Cookie upstairs to your room. Its on the second floor up on third door on the left." Maddie scooped up Cookie in her arms and ran up the stairs. She eventually got to the second floor. "Third door on the left. 1..2...3!" She grapped onto the golden door knob and pushed open the door. "Woah, everything's still here?" Maddie said walking into the room. All the furniture and orniments were still in their place. The bed still had it's white cotton sheets on, rows of pale pink slippers were lined under the bed. "It looks as if they've jsut gone on holiday." Maddie placed Cookie on her bed and walked over to the window. The window was huge and out of it you could see the whole garden and the forest that hid the house. Maddie pushed open the window and stepped onto the ledge. At the edge of the forest Maddie saw a figure. She couldn't work out who or what it was so she shut the window and walked out the room with Cookie to investigate. Maddie walked over to the back door and slowly opened it. She walked across the soft grass and spotted the figure. It looked like a boy, about her age stood there stairing. "What are you doing here?" Maddie asked the boy. "I live in the house on the other side of the forest. I heard that someone was moving in here." The boy replied sweeping his long brown hair out of his eyes. "You heard right, yeah we are new." Maddie said looking at the boy. "My names Carter by the way. You've got some balls moving into that house anyway." He said sitting down on the floor. Maddison walked over and sat with him "My names Maddie and why what's wrong with it?" She replied not very interested. "Have you not heard about the last family who lived here?" He replied. "No I haven't are you going to tell me a story about how they were possessed by the soul of satin and bruitely murdered anyone who came by?" Maddison asked smiling, Carter laughed "No the girl round about our age, she fell out of that window there and died. Some say that she saw the ghosts of 3 little girls from the old boarding school singing in this very garden and then they appeared in her bedroom and pushed her and... BAM she died. Just like that." Maddison started laughing "Yeah right my house isn't haunted by some little dead girls from a boarding school! Any way even if it was, which it ISN'T what is this boarding school?" Carter turned around to face her directly as if he knew she was going to say this. "Its not to far from here actually. In 1988 people ex pupils came foward about being abused and stuff there and two years later it was shut down." "Sounds like you've done your research." Maddison added. "Yeah i kind off wanted to know what I was living near." Carter said smiling. " We should go." Maddison said. "Are you crazy?! It's like super creepy!" Carter said mortified. "I don't care, it sounds cool. Meet me here tonight at 7:00pm." Maddison replied. "You want to go at night?! Your crazy!" Carter said sounding more scared every time Maddie spoke. "Look Carter I didn't even want to come here okay. I finally find someone my age and something partly interestining going on her and you being a wuss." Maddie explained. "Your not going to take no for an answer are you?" Carter asked. "Nope." Maddie replied. "Then it's settled." Carter said. "7:00pm?" "7:00pm."


That is by far my longest chapter. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it!! I am really begining to get into this story and I hope you are too! Please vote it and comment any questions or suggestions, and don't forget to follow me for notifications when I post a new chapter!:)

-Emily Mae x

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