Chapter 5

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Maddie could hear her phone ringing, she reached her arm out to the side of her and picked up her phone with her eyes still shut she answered the phone. "Hello?" She said. "Maddie you've got to get up now it's an emergency!" The voice on the other side of the line said. "Who is this?" She asked still half asleep. "It's me, Carter." Maddie sighed. "Carter, are you serious. Do you know what time it is?" "5:00am I know it's early but it's really important." Maddie sat up. "What can be so important that you have woken me up at 5 in the morning?!" "It's the girls they were at my house last night!" Maddie's eyes bolted open. "In your house?!" "Well not in my house, outside in the garden they were just dancing in a circle all three of them." Maddie got out of bed and headed to her wardrobe and pulled out some clothes. "Well what did you do?" "I googled them apparently there has only been one other sighting of these girls. It said, whoever see's the girls are cursed. The girls preform rituals to claim there victims they skip in a circle singing ring a roses and then they fall down and appear in the room of the victims and murder them." Maddie began tying her shoes. "Damn, they were preforming the ritual in your garden. Wait how come you aren't dead then?" Maddie heard Carter open and close a front or back door. "They can only kill you if you hear them singing the song. The song can wake up the deepest of sleepers. Luckily I didn't hear them I had my headphones in." Maddie headed out of the door. "That explains the girls death. That one who lived in my house." Carter appeared out of the forest in Maddison garden. Carter put down the phone and sat on the grass next to Maddie. "It does explain her death, we should tell someone before it gets out of hand." Maddie turned straight around so she was facing Carter completely, "No that's a bad idea I mean who would believe us? We would just be some more attention seeking teenagers, and I mean my parents didn't believe me when I said that a fat kid pushed me down the stairs at my old school." Carter turned to face the house. "That's a good point, well what can we do then?" Before Maddie could answer there was a blood curdling scream coming from the back of the house. Carter and Maddie shot up to their feet and looked at each other. "What was that?" Carter asked. "I don't know, quick lets go find out." They both ran across the grass toward the house. As soon as they got closer they could see Maddie's mum knelt down screaming and crying and Maddie's dad stood over her in shock. "Mum, Dad what's happened?" Maddie walked closer to see what had happened and the sight is a sight that will never be unseen.


This chapter is by far my shortest but thank you for all your lovely comments and suggestions. I hope this chapter is okay. We just hit 40 views that's crazy its been less than a day. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read this and I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to vote and comment any questions or suggestions. Also follow me to get notifications about when I post a new chapter. Don't forget to share with your friends. Thanks everyone!!:)

- Emily Mae x  

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