Nonpareil Hope

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I loved but I was hurt
I cared but I was ignored
I was sad but nobody cared
I was lonely but it seems I'm that to them

I've been kind
I loved & cared for them
I put what they need first
I was beginning to be a martyr

But despite these I can't stop
I can't just stop
Every time I look in their eyes
I see a story that never lies

Sadness & joy overwhelms
Pain & pretention comes and go
Tears & laughter were choices
Genuine smile was rare to find

To know how other's feel
To know the pain deeper in their hearts
To know how they long for something missing in their lives
I know at some point I can help them

I have found answers
Answers as to how it works
Works with God and not with the flesh
I see a light inside of me

A light to help others
A light to show them someone cares and loves them
A light that's always been there no matter what
A light that I have from Jesus

I say and dance with glee,
"What a wonderful gift I have with thee."
My heart longs for thee
Finding who I am with you, Child of Light you say.

Piety, Faith, Allegiance: A SoliloquyWhere stories live. Discover now