Butterfingered Benevolence

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They say, "Just try your best."
But, was that my best?
Was it? Or was it not?
I tried, I tried...

I tried to do it...
Wasn't it good enough?
Why won't something not be enough
I tried, I tried...

I tried to focus
I just can't do it
I don't know
I'm just so lost...

My tactlessness made me think
Made me questioned who I am
Made me question if I'm worth it
It made me question everything in my existence

I tried to do good
But it wasn't enough
I tried to be perfect
But it still wasn't enough

In whatever I do
I am so graceless
I would try to do better
I'll try my best to do so

This is not what's important, right?
They say it's what you learn
I want to give up
Yet I want to fight..

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