6. Im problaby gonna regret this

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After a few hours of eating Ice cream and watching cartoons, I get dressed.

I put on a black t shirt, light blue short jeans, black vans and a flannel.

Still can't believe I'm going to one of Amanda's Parties.

But is for Mickey.

I'm going to get killed one day for my loyalty.

I walk downstairs and find my sister playing with Mickey Pink hair and eating ice cream.

"Lily Do you have your bags?" I ask.

"Yeah. Where you're going?" She asks.

"I'm just going to a party a few blocks from here. I'll tell Mom to pick you up"


I grab my phone and go to messages.

I'm going to a party a few blocks from our house. I'm leaving Lily at Ms. Tyler house. Pick her up when you get out of work.

Okay, hun. Please be careful I trust you :)

I lock my phone and get my keys.
Yes I have car but i don't use it much.

"C'mon Mickey and Lily, lets go" I said.

"In a minute!" Michael yells.

Lily and Michael get their things and went to the car. I go outside and lock the front door. Michael puts Lily's bags in the trunk of the 1967 Chevy Impala and he sits on shotgun while Lily in the back.

• Time Skip •

I park my car in the driveway of Amanda House. I get out of the car and I look at Amanda's. The house is like any American simple house. But the difference is full of 300 crazy ass teenageers. You can even hear the music from hear. Dont get me wrong I like parties. But not Amanda's parties.

Im probably gonna regret going to this party.

Michael and I enter the house and the first thing I smell is smoke.

Michael takes my hand and leads me to a group of people.

"Hey Mickey! You finally came. I thought you were gonna reject the invitation." Says the dirty blonde hair boy.

"Like I'm going to miss a party of Amanda's" Says Mickey.

I believe this is the boy name Ashton.
I only have met him once and it was to get some books of math that Michael left at his house.

"Oh Hey! April Jones this is Ashton Irwin. Ashton Irwin April Jones." Say Michael.

Ashton waves me and I wave back.

"Hey do you want some beer?" Ashton asks.

"Umm. No thanks" I answer.

He lifted his shoulders like an oh well gesture and leaves.

"He seems like a normal person" I say.

"April you cant just say people are normal or not!" Michael says.

"Sorry..?" I answer.

"Yeah. But he's different with he hang out with me. He's a hyper puppy or something like that" He adds.

I chuckle.

"Hey I'm gonna get some beer. Stay here." Michael says.

"I can do whatever I want Im punk rock" I answer.

"April, You use Flower dresses. Your basically a hypster" He backfires.

"Hey! Who are you to judge My little Pony Human figure?" I answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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