1 - First Kiss

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A/N: This book will follow the AOT storyline, but some elements will be changed or paced differently. This book will be more romance focused so there won't be that many fighting scenes.

When we were young by Adele
Past: Age 15

Reiner and I sit behind the barracks in our usual spot, our feet dangling off the edge of the patio floor as we gaze up at the stars. The night is calm; the cool breeze feels perfect.

"You know," I begin, looking down as I swing my feet. "You're one of the few people who treat me like a normal person. You treat me just like everyone else, even though I look different from the rest of you."

I catch him glancing over at me out of the corner of my eye, pausing for a moment. "Why should it matter? I don't care about those things. If anyone gives you trouble, let me know—I'll handle it. Besides, you're amazing, what's not to love?"

I don't respond, instead I just stare down at my hands, nervously fiddling my fingers.

"Blair." He calls out softly.

I lift my head, meeting his gaze. His warm, golden-brown eyes are locked onto mine.

"I...I like you. A lot." He stammers. " I think you're the most incredible girl I've ever met. You're on my mind all the time. I know it sounds crazy, but... I think I love you."

My breath catches. I freeze, unsure of how to respond, my heart racing.

He reaches for my hand, taking hold of it. "Please say something."

At his touch, my face softens. "I...I think I love you too." I whisper, barely audible. I've never had anyone confess to me; I was convinced my feelings were one sided.

His eyes light up at my response. "Can I kiss you?"

I nod, too shy to speak. Gently, he cups my cheeks, taking a second to fully look at me before leaning in slowly until his lips meet mine. The kiss is soft and tender, I lean into him more, kissing him back slowly. It feels like sparks are flying.

"Hey! Look at these two—get a room." A voice calls out, startling us.

We quickly pull away from each other, turning to see Jean standing there with Connie and Sasha grinning at us.

Sasha slaps Jean's shoulder. "Way to ruin the moment Jean." She gives me a sheepish look. "Sorry, we are leaving." She shoos the boys away with her.

I turn back to Reiner as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly. "Sorry."

I give him a puzzled look. "For what?"

"I don't know." He chuckles nervously. " I didn't know what to say.

I squeeze his hand. "You don't have to say anything. We can just sit like this."

He smiles at me, squeezing back. "Okay."

"You were my first kiss." I blurt out, too embarrassed to meet his eyes.

"You were my first too."

I meet his eyes again, his cheeks slowly tinting red as he blushes.

"Nice to know." I whisper.

Present: Age 22

I open my eyes as sunlight pours into the room. Pushing the covers off, I sit up, placing my feet on the cold floor. My gaze drifts to Sasha's empty bed. This has become part of my daily routine: wake up, stare at her bed, brush my teeth, and get ready for the day. It's been almost a year since she died, but it still hurts knowing she's never coming back.

Sliding my feet into my slippers, I make my way to the bathroom and start my usual morning routine. After spending 15 minutes wrestling my kinky curls into a low bun, I head to the food hall fully dressed in my black uniform.

With my tray of food in hand, I join Connie, Armin, Mikasa, and Jean at our usual table. I place the tray down, taking a seat next to Jean.

"Wow, you look like shit." Connie says through a mouthful of food.

The table rattles as Mikasa kicks him under it.

Usually, I would tell him to fuck off, but I shrug instead. "Yeah I didn't sleep much last night." I stab at my food.

"Thinking of Sasha?" Jean questions, even though he already knows the answer.

I nod, continuing to chew.

"I'm sorry." Armin says gently. "It can't be easy staying in the room you shared with her."

"Yeah. I just miss her." I pause, letting out a huff of air. "She was one of my best friends besides—"


My jaw clenches at the thought of him. Every time I am reminded of him, it lights a fire of hatred in me.

The table grows silent. Everyone knows exactly who I was about to mention. The history between us is no secret. Sasha told me she was the one to convince Reiner to make his move on me.

Mikasa tries to break the tension. "We're getting a new mission today. Maybe that will help take your mind off of things."

As if on cue, Hange enter the room walking over to take a stance in the center of the room with Levi standing beside her.

"Good morning everyone." Hange calls out, and the room silences. "As you all know, our relationship with the Marleyan Empire has been a major issue these past years, especially with Eren. However, we have recruited some Eldians who are sympathetic to our cause and wish to help."

The room erupts into chaotic chatter as everyone talks over each other.

"Sympathetic Marleyans? No way." Connie mutters.

"Everyone shut up!" Levi commands, and the room falls silent immediately.

Hange continues. "We know this is dangerous and we're taking strict precautions to protect our people. We've organized two teams with different responsibilities to make sure everything goes smoothly."

Levi steps forward, reading off a clipboard. "On security with me will be Mikasa, Jean, and Dallas. Greetings and communication with Hange, we'll have Blair, Connie, Hitch and Armin. The rest of you, find your team leaders and make yourself useful. Our guest will arrive this afternoon. Be prepared. Dismissed."

Being on Hange's team intrigues me. I've always liked Hange as a leader, she genuinely cares for people and looks at things in a way most of us don't. She really listens to me and makes me feel like a valuable asset to the team. But even with all of that, I can't fully shake the anxiety creeping up on me.

A knot forms in my throat at the thought of Reiner returning to Paradis. It's impossible— there's no way. They would never allow him to show his face here again after everything he's done. After all the lies, the destruction, the people we lost—Sasha. I keep trying to convince myself he would never come back. No matter what I do the doubt lingers in the back of my mind.

I clench my fist trying to ground myself and push him out of my mind. I need to focus and create a plan with Armin, Connie, and Hitch. We have a lot to figure out before our guests arrive. We'll need to establish protocols—who speaks first, how we approach them, what questions to ask. I'll have to keep my emotions in check, especially if—no, when—Reiner's name comes up.

I glance over at Armin, his brows furrowed as he's already deep in thought. He's always five steps ahead, since he's the brains of the group. Connie is surprisingly quiet. He looks on edge, but I can tell he's trying to hide it.

There's no room for mistakes, not today.

A/N: First chapter yay.

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