OO7.⠀Campus Festival Fun

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The annual campus festival was all anyone could talk about for the past week. Students were buzzing with excitement, setting up booths, organizing games, and promoting performances. Yoorin, despite her reluctance to get involved in the chaos, couldn't avoid the contagious energy. Plus, Sooyun had roped her into volunteering at the art club's booth.

"You're lucky you have me," Sooyun said with a grin as she dragged Yoorin toward the art club's booth. "I signed us up for something fun. No boring selling or ticketing. We get to help paint faces!"

Yoorin groaned but couldn't help smiling. "That sounds... messy."

Sooyun shrugged, unfazed. "Messy is fun. You'll see."

The festival grounds were lively, with colorful banners hanging from every building and students crowding the pathways, eager to check out the different activities. Yoorin took it all in, enjoying the change of pace from her usual routine. The air smelled like cotton candy and fresh popcorn, and there was laughter and music everywhere.

As they set up their booth, Sooyun wasted no time grabbing the paint supplies. "I'll take care of the cute stuff, and you can handle the simple designs," she said, winking.

Yoorin rolled her eyes. "You mean I get to do all the boring stuff."

"Hey, simple is classic! Besides, you never know what kind of fun requests we'll get," Sooyun said, nudging her.

Just as Yoorin finished setting up her paint palette, she spotted Jungwon approaching from across the lawn. He wasn't alone—he was with a couple of his friends, all laughing and clearly enjoying the festival vibe. Jungwon looked effortlessly laid-back, his hands shoved into his pockets as he casually scanned the different booths.

Yoorin quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn't notice her. But of course, he did.

"Hey, Yoorin!" Jungwon called, making his way over to their booth. His friends trailed behind, looking equally amused. "What are you guys doing here?"

Sooyun was quick to jump in, grinning mischievously. "Face painting! Want one?"

Jungwon's eyes lit up with amusement, and Yoorin felt a wave of dread wash over her. Of course Sooyun would offer him a face painting.

Jungwon smirked, glancing at Yoorin. "I think I could pull off something cool. What do you think, Yoorin? Got any ideas?"

Yoorin crossed her arms, trying to act unfazed. "I can give you a basic design. Maybe a star or something."

Sooyun, ever the instigator, giggled. "No way! We're doing something fun. How about a cat face! It'll be perfect for you."

Jungwon's grin widened as he looked at Yoorin. "What do you think? Can you turn me into a cat?"

Yoorin tried to hide her smile. "I could... but you'd have to sit still."

"Deal," Jungwon said, sitting down on the stool in front of her, his friends watching with amusement.

Yoorin hesitated for a moment, but then grabbed a brush and started painting. She began with simple lines for whiskers, trying to focus on her work despite the fact that Jungwon was sitting so close. She could feel his eyes on her, which only made her more flustered.

"You're taking this very seriously," Jungwon teased, his voice low.

"Shut up and stay still," Yoorin muttered, though she was clearly trying not to laugh.

As she finished up, Yoorin added little pointed cat ears on his forehead and a black nose to complete the look. She stepped back, admiring her work, and had to admit that the cute cat face suited him a little too well.

Jungwon stood up and checked his reflection in a nearby mirror. "Not bad," he said, turning to show his friends, who immediately burst into laughter.

"Dude, you look way too good as a cat," one of them said, shaking his head.

Jungwon just grinned. "I guess I was born for this."

Sooyun giggled, nudging Yoorin. "See? Cute, right?"

Yoorin couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, annoyingly cute."

Jungwon, overhearing, shot her a playful look. "So you admit it?"

Yoorin blushed. "I was just agreeing with Sooyun."

Jungwon shot her a playful look. "Thanks, Yoorin. I'll make sure everyone knows you're the best face painter on campus."

"Please don't," Yoorin said quickly, her cheeks flushing slightly.

"Sure," Jungwon said, giving her one last teasing smile before heading off with his friends.

As he walked away, Yoorin felt a strange flutter in her chest. Sooyun noticed and smirked knowingly. "You're definitely warming up to him."

Yoorin rolled her eyes. "He's just... less annoying than I thought."

Sooyun laughed. "Uh-huh. Keep telling yourself that."

Yoorin didn't respond, but deep down, she knew things between her and Jungwon were starting to shift in ways she hadn't expected.

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