Chapter 3: I guess I'm Not The Only One Who Broke My Oath

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I must've come to just after I passed out. I could still hear wailing and the name Evelyn being cried out. I sat up, leaves and dirt clinging to me. I was by myself at the edge of the clearing. On the opposite side lay a bunch of gems which must've been the remains of Alcyoneus. Next to the mound of gems, Tris was brushing herself off, tears streaming down her cheeks.

By everyone's states, I figured Evelyn must've not made it. It was my fault. I broke my oath not to do physical activity until I felt well and now an innocent girl was dead because of me. My heart dropped like a brick, but I couldn't just sit here and do nothing. I tried to get up, but I fell. Instead, I crawled to the gathered group of crying teenagers.

A steady hand pulled me up off the muddy, burnt ground. My arms shook from exhaustion and my stomach threatened to vomit up all my recent meals. Behind my eyes burned, like Greek fire had been thrown at my eyes as well as at Alcyoneus'. Callie stood behind me. She looked unfazed by the situation. How, I didn't know. I leant against her slightly, so I wouldn't fall. I nearly did when a body pushed passed me, hurrying towards Evelyn. I knew who it was by the slick blonde bun and the smell of antiseptic.

Alexis pushed some people back away from the limp body, arguing with a few until they gave in. Her malicious glare was enough to make anyone shut up. Ashton had to be prised away from his apparently dead friend. He resisted at first but the more he struggled, the more passion left his eyes. Ashton finally walked away with another boy his age, shouting at the Gods. I looked away, ashamed. It's all my fault.

I watched as Alexis knelt beside Evelyn, pulling out her medical gear. Gale appeared next to Alexis, holding out the needed equipment. All Alexis needed to do was listen out for Evelyn's heartbeat.

The 12-year-old doctor listened to her patient, her hands slightly shaking. Everyone held their breath, waiting for Alexis' verdict. She paused, her stethoscope hovering just above Evelyn's heart, and I immediately knew.

Alexis turned around, her eyes teary and said, "I'm sorry."

The silence was deafening. It was broken by shouts and sobs of despair. My head was pounding, the noise suffocating me. I pulled away from Callie and shuffled away. How I kept myself upright? I don't know. I don't know a lot of things. I hate being clueless. I hate that I broke my oath. I hate that Alcyoneus attacked Camp Half-Blood. I hate that Evelyn is dead. I hate myself.

I stormed back to Cabin 3 and slammed the big bronze doors. I lay down on my empty bunk. Few a few minutes, hate and grief swamped my head, until I started screaming. Screaming emptied my head - just like my bunk - and made me feel a lot better. I screamed until my throat was raw then I switched to sobbing.

This time I did not pass out. The one time I wished I would, I couldn't. No matter how much I willed myself to. Instead, I lay on my cold bunk for what felt like hours.

A knock came from the door, "Zoe?"

I glanced at the voice coming from next to door. It was my mom holding my sword. Her golden blonde hair was all messed up in its ponytail from the fight against Alcyoneus. A few scratches and a small wound decorated her arms and face. Despite all of this, she was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen – other than Aunt Piper.

Mom slowly walked towards me, like I was a wounded animal. I sat up, making room for my mother. She sat on the edge of my bed, next to me and stared at the floor. Mom took a shaky breath and finally looked at me. Her grey eyes were stormy and sad. I had never seen my mother look so tired. Her wrinkles were deeper than usual, defining her age.

"Zoe? Honey, are you okay? We could all hear you screaming."

I could feel that burning sensation behind my eyes again, "Yes."

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