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Hello, and welcome to an object show book! I will list the characters below.


Goop Brooks.

A girl with a kind heart. She loves eating cookies and sharing them to other friends. She has a problem called CODF, or known as childhood-onset fluency disorder. Stuttering is a speech condition that disrupts the normal flow of speech. Other names for stuttering include stammering. So, instead of saying "Hello, how are you?" she will probably say "H-Hello-o, h-how are y-you?" She is adopted and short. And she is very intelligent. (Her object is a goo ball with a tentacle on top of her head, witch is goo too. The goo doesn't stick to anybody. she has a high-pitch, quiet voice. her colors are purple, pink, and blue.)

I don't have a image for her yet, sorry!


Ashley Brooks.

She is the opposite of Goop's personality. She can be mean to others. She is a mouse. (not the animal) She belongs to the Brooks family. She has VERY bad grades and always goes to ISS, or known as In School Suspension. She is a part of a friend group called 'The Girls.' She is always up too mischief with others. She HATES Goop. She think she is a wimp and too short to be in middle school. Her color is grey. She has some anger issues. She takes out anger on other people, including Goop. She HATES vegetables, (like other kids lol) and fruits. She will fight people on purpose for pity reasons.


Mrs and Mr Brooks.

Mrs and Mr Brooks are an engaged couple. They love their two children with heart. Mr. Brooks is a office worker. They are always onto Ashley for her behavior. Mrs. Brooks is a proud housewife of her children. They are also a mouse. They sometimes have arguments with each other.

That's all for now!!

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