Chapter Three

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Nyssa could hardly believe her own audacity. What had driven her to march into his library and—of all things—kiss him? The memory burned in her mind, her face heating at the recollection. What she had thought was a bold move now felt dangerously reckless, and with each passing minute, the fear of facing him again grew stronger.

Now, as she descended the staircase in her gown, carefully chosen for her debut, she focused on each step, the soft rustle of white silk accompanying her. The conversation from the drawing room below floated up to meet her, the familiar voices of her mother and Florentina chattering eagerly. If she could avoid anything that day, it would be their inevitable critique of her appearance.

Her mother’s delighted exclamation was the first to meet her ears as she stepped into view. “Ah! Darling, you look divine. White is simply your color!”

Florentina, ever her constant support, smiled warmly and pulled Nyssa into a gentle hug. “You look stunning in anything, dear,” she whispered conspiratorially. “I know this all feels dreadful, but bear with it. Soon it will be over, and we’ll sneak off to the Lady’s Club as your reward.”

Nyssa’s heart leapt at the mention of the Lady’s Club—a place infamous for the mischief of society’s most independent women. It was scandalous, no doubt. Only unmarried women of a certain age or widows dared to attend. The very idea of setting foot there thrilled her beyond measure. Dorothea had refused ever to be associated with such a club after Florentina had dragged her once—an evening that had quickly become legendary.

“Really?” Nyssa whisper-squealed, her eyes wide with excitement.

Florentina pulled back, offering a wink. “Absolutely.”

Amidst the surge of excitement, Nyssa hadn’t noticed Aarav standing next to her mother. Her heart sank briefly as she realized her next challenge. She had kissed him, crossed an unspoken boundary, and now, face to face, she wasn’t sure how to proceed.

Summoning every bit of composure she could muster, Nyssa dipped into a curtsy. “Lord Daleworth, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

Aarav’s eyes burned with intensity, and the tension between them crackled like a fire. His gaze was unwavering, and the corner of his mouth lifted ever so slightly, as though he was in on a secret she desperately wanted to hide.

He bowed slightly and responded, “Lady Nyssakhanya," he said, his voice low and steady. "The pleasure is mine. I must agree with your mother. You look exquisite. In fact, I daresay you now own the color white. I’ve never seen anyone wear it with such exuberance.”

Nyssa felt her cheeks grow warm. Whether his compliment was sincere or a calculated effort to make her squirm, she couldn’t tell. Either way, the game they had begun was now fully in play, and she had no idea if she could win.

“You are too kind, my lord,” she replied, hoping her voice remained steady.

“Oh, do stop with the formalities,” Florentina interjected, waving her hand. “Save that for the rest of society.”

Dorothea smiled proudly, her eyes never leaving her daughter. “She will do wonderfully tonight, won’t she, Rav?”

Aarav’s eyes never left Nyssa’s. His smile was small but unmistakably sly. “She shall do splendidly,” he replied, his voice smooth. The way he looked at her made it clear: this was a battle, and neither of them was backing down.


The ride to the palace was quiet, though the tension between Nyssa and Aarav was undeniable. Seated beside him, Nyssa felt every shift of the carriage, acutely aware of their closeness.

Her mother, blissfully unaware of the silent war raging beside her, offered endless pieces of advice for the evening ahead. Florentina, who had seen everything, offered Nyssa occasional glances of amusement while pretending to read her book.

“I do believe you are more nervous than she is,” Florentina teased.

Dorothea waved her hand dismissively. “Is that so wrong?”

Florentina smiled but shook her head. “Not at all. Just remember not to smother her.”

Nyssa’s mind wandered as they arrived at the palace, her nerves a delicate mixture of anticipation and dread. The thought of Aarav’s teasing, the weight of her responsibilities, and the looming gaze of Queen Zolani all combined into a knot of anxiety.


The ballroom glittered in gold and crystal, the grand chandeliers casting a soft glow over the couples spinning elegantly across the floor. Nyssa took a deep breath as she stepped into the dazzling space, her heart hammering against her ribs. This was it—the culmination of months of preparation and expectation.

At the far end of the room, sitting upon a grand chair draped in rich fabrics, was Queen Evelina. Her eyes, sharp and discerning, swept over the scene before finally landing on Nyssa. It was time.

“The Lady Nyssakhanya of House Hessington,” the steward announced grandly.

Nyssa curtsied as deeply as her gown would allow, her heart pounding in her ears. As she rose, she dared to meet the Queen’s gaze. To her great relief, a faint smile tugged at the Queen’s lips.

“Rise, Lady Nyssakhanya,” the Queen said, her voice carrying both warmth and authority. “You carry yourself with the grace and dignity expected of your house. I am pleased.”

Nyssa bowed her head, her heart light with relief. The Queen’s approval was the key to everything, and she had earned it.

Moments later, Aarav appeared at her side, extending his hand with that same easy confidence.

“I'm here to claim a promise. Shall we, Lady Nyssakhanya?” he asked, his voice rich with amusement.

With no other option, Nyssa placed her hand in his. They glided onto the dance floor as the music swelled around them. The world seemed to shrink, leaving only the two of them moving in perfect step, though beneath the smooth exterior of their dance, the tension simmered like a hidden fire.

“You handled the Queen rather well,” Aarav murmured, his voice low enough for only her to hear.

Nyssa kept her gaze ahead, determined not to show any sign of weakness. “Thank you, my lord. You seem just as composed.”

Aarav chuckled softly. “Ah, but where’s the fun in showing all my cards at once?”

Nyssa couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at her lips. “You certainly enjoy the game, don’t you?”

“Only when it’s interesting,” he replied, his tone playful but his eyes serious.

The dance continued, the music soaring as they twirled through the crowd. Whatever game they were playing, whatever battle of wills had begun, she had no intention of losing.

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