Chapter Three

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We got back to the living area and saw that the two males had already changed into a more comfortable outfit.

Kaider was dressed in a black training outfit. It was fitted, the outline of his abs showed through it, he was well built; his biceps very prominent. The snug athletic fit of his black t-shirt and pants accentuated his body perfectly, making him look simple yet intimidating.

His father was dressed in the same kind of outfit just grey in colour. He was also built and intimidating as well.

" Let's go" said Mr. Alhandro as he turned his back already leaving, us following suit.
As we got the backyard I was confused as to why there was so many people dressed in black standing like some kind of statue, they were so much I had problem counting. they were close to hundred if not more than.

Their hands were folded at their back and they all wore stern faces. I looked at Christine and she understood my confusion as it was already written on my face.

"They are training with us" she said not giving me anymore explanation. I nodded my head even though I  didn't understand what she meant by that .

"Okay I need everyone in their pairs" came Mr. Alhandro's booming voice. everyone moved under his command to meet with their pair. i just stood there not knowing what to do.

"You are training with me" Christine said pulling me toward her direction.

The yard was big enough for three hundred people so there wasn't any problem moving around.

"As you can all see we have a new member in our midst so I want everyone who is going to train with her to be less rough and more beginner friendly" Mr. Alhandro said giving me a side glance.

Everyone turned to look at me and immediately averted their gaze elsewhere.
I sighed internally. The situation o found myself was kinda overwhelming.

I felt someone tap me and I looked to my side I saw Christine looking at me.

"It's time"  she said and a loud whistle rang out the whole place. Every pair swinging their fist with their opponent trying to dodge every hit.

My eyes widened when I saw Christine's fist coming towards my face and  instinctively I bent my head backwards to avoid the hit.

It was so sudden I staggered a bit. " You have to be prepared at all time and your eyes should stay focused on your opponent".
She didn't even give me time to breath when her fist came towards my face again this time I couldn't dodge it so it went straight to my right cheek.

I fell backwards with a thud. I groaned at the impact, it stinged  like hell.

Christine came to me with her hand outstretched. " Girl you have no stamina, we have to work on that" she said as she pulled me up.

"This is just the beginning, we have a very long way to get you ready" she said walking away. 
I looked at the people who were sparred, they moved effortlessly moving their bodies like it was trained for war, they were like robots programmed for war alone.

I turned my head to my side and I saw Kaider sparring with his father, he looked so fierce and concentrated. His hair was barely sticking out of place nor did he break a sweat. It was as if he wasn't currently fighting against his Dad.

I jolted when I felt something cold against my now swollen cheek " here, this should reduce the swelling" Christine said  holding an ice bag against my cheek.

"Thanks" I said feeling grateful towards her.
We got back to sparring, Christine going as easy as she can so I don't get badly injured.

The training ended with me covered in sand and little cuts here and there. I sighed softly as I rinsed myself from all the dirt.

I got out of the shower when I was done and did some morning routine. I wore simple clothes that were less revealing and comfortable.

We were to have breakfast by eight o'clock and it was currently  seven forty-five, I had just fifteen more minutes.

I used that opportunity to arrange my stuff in the walk-in closet, it didn't take time as my clothes weren't much.

I heard a knock on the door and I  knew it was my cue to leave for breakfast. " I'm coming" I said folding the last of my clothes hastily.

I walked towards the door and I met the maid who I still didn't know her name behind it.

" Let's go" I said not even bothering to start any conversation knowing fully well she wouldn't reply and just let me do all the talking.

We walked down the hallway and passed the living area. We walked some more hallways before we got to two wooden brown doors with touch of gold on it. It was guarded with two armoured men their faces stern and void of any emotion.

It gave me the creeps. The maid nodded at one of them and he instantly opened the door.
My gaze was immediately met with a long table. As we walked closer I could already smell the different kind of food even before I saw it.

My eyes widened at the amount of food that was placed on the very long table, my stomach made a small growl which made me realize that I haven't eaten in a while.

" Layle"  I turned and saw Christine already sitting on one of the chairs the maid long gone.
" Come sit here" she said gesturing me to the seat next to her. She was sitting by the the end of the table and next to her was her husband who sat by the very end his face stern. I nodded and sat beside her.

After a while Kaider came in wearing a simple black shirt and pants his hair combed back. He walked towards the chair that was in front of me and sat down not even giving me a glance.

Few seconds later people swarmed into the dinning room all taking their respective chairs

They moved in sync marching towards their chair already in changed clothes which were also black in colour.

When everyone was seated. Mr. Alhandro gave a small speech before everyone dug into their foods. You couldn't hear anything except for the clanking of cutleries against the plates.

I looked at my food no hesitating to eat as I was very hungry.
I would steal glances from Kaider from time to time wanting to know what he was thinking.

When I looked up again he was was already staring his brows furrowed in anger.

I paused not really knowing what to do as I was caught.


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