Junior Year

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While sipping his drink and waiting for our meals to arrive, Aden laughed, "I remember seeing you for the first time."

Eyes lifted in my head and I replied, "Oh do you? And what do you remember?"

"How beautiful you are...were. Well, you still are of course."

With a bashful smile, I returned to Whittier High School. It was the first day of class in my junior year. Although I've always been popular it was more so due to my looks, not my personality. I'm an introvert so I taught myself to be more extroverted so that people wouldn't classify me as a weirdo.

My dad's third wife Chantal was a class act. Despite not being the prettiest, her way of carrying herself made her more attractive than most women. Freshman year I was rough around the edges and dressed in the fads, but by sophomore year Chantal had taken me under her wings. My dad had her take me and my older sister shopping for school clothes. We wanted jeans and T-shirts but she persuaded us by saying, "You're two gorgeous young women now. It's time to dress the part. For example, these designer jeans cost $50, but you can get two nice sweaters and two elegant pairs of slacks for the same price."

Since my sister and I admired her, we easily took her advice. Consequently, sophomore year I wore sweaters and slacks, but junior year mostly sweaters with skirts or dresses.

My 10th-grade crush wasn't interested in me then, but in 11th grade he wanted me. In our history class, he dared to ask me, "Why do you wear dresses? You're religious or something?"

"No. I just prefer dresses."

"You look nice everyday Kelly."

"Thanks, Mark," was my dry reply. Then I continued conversing with my girlfriend.

Trigonometry was after history. Here is where I first saw Aden. With my math book against my chest as a shield, I walk into the classroom past a crowd of boys joking and reacquainting themselves after the summer break. As I approach the entrance Aden's eyes meet mine. Unable to look away, I stare for a moment before dropping my head. Although he stared back he continued to be silly and aggressive with his friends.

Our teacher Mr Studdard allows us to select the seat we want assigned. I chose a middle desk in the quiet section near the classroom door. In my lane, one of the guys Aden spoke to took the last seat and Aden sat one row over. Seems he's popular because even the teacher knows him. Once Aden sits all the cool guys take a seat near the back. They're loud and obnoxious when Mr Studdard shouts, "Mr Cullen would you do me the honors and calm everyone down?"

"No problem Mr Studdard, ... Everyone shut up. Class is about to start."

By now all the girls are giggling and cackling. Discreetly, I glance at him and he's staring. Heart thumping I quickly look away.

The bell rings and he hurries out. Everyone rushes behind him like followers. On purpose, I hesitate before putting my book in my backpack and then I exit. Looking both ways I see he's down the hall with his friends.

It takes me extra time on Tuesday morning to choose the perfect outfit for school. I want to look stylish for Aden.

I've had a job at Whittier High since I was 15. I work as a secretary during night school. Growing up, my father taught me the importance of earning money. He said, "Even if a man takes you on a date if you don't have your own money to pay for your meal then say no. Do you understand me? Never depend on a man."

Because of that advice, I'd always have money. It's the mid-80s and I make $80/week. Although it's a joke today, I was rich as a teenager in 1985. I wasn't pressed to get a car because my mom let me drive hers whenever I wanted to. However, I was into clothes and perfume. I remember when Calvin Klein's Obsession first came out. My classmate, Maureen, and I bought magazines to smell the fragrance tab. Then one day I was able to purchase some. Fifty bucks for a bottle of perfume. How many teens did that? Not many in high school, and it seemed like I was the only one.

Tuesday morning I enter History class and Maureen gasps, "Kelly! Is that you? You bought a bottle of Obsession?"

Cheesing from ear to ear I nod. "Oh my God Kelly! You smell so yummy! Do you have it with you?"

"No way. I'm afraid I may drop it."

"Right! I get it."

As we're laughing Mark interrupts, "Hi Kelly. You look nice."

"Thank you, Mark," I reply, side-eyeing Maureen.

"You smell good too."

Maureen huffs out loud causing Mark to frown her way. Before they argue I say, "Thanks again, Mark."

Soon after my teacher starts the class and Mark returns to his seat.

History ends and as the bell rings I remove my compact from my purse to make sure I don't have mucus in my eyes or crust on my lips. Afterward, I took out the small plastic sample of Obsession I received with my purchase, added a few dabs to my neck, wrist, and outfit, and then hurried to trigonometry. 

Once again Aden and his friends are in the doorway talking. Hearing Aden say, "Look over there. She's fine," my attention is drawn to the hall.

Dallas, Aden's friend, who sits across from him, replies, "Oh, she's fine.".

Aden glances my way as I enter. Now seated, I feel defeated because the girl he thinks is pretty looks nothing like me. The bell rings and he has to walk past to get to his seat. Eyes fixed on me, mine now squinted I sigh out loud as I turn away.

We've been back to school for a couple of weeks now. I still dress to impress, but I stopped paying too much attention to Aden because clearly, he's not into me. We take our first quiz and I get a C-. A sigh of relief escapes. I'm just glad I passed. Suddenly, Mr Studdard announces, "Everyone passed so I won't complain, but we had three who received 90% and higher. Will you three please stand?"

Two students stand immediately while Aden slowly stands. Everyone laughs as Mr Studdard adds, "Mr Cullen scored the highest with 94%. Great job Mr Cullen."

"He cheated!" Dallas shouted.

While everyone laughs and jokes, Aden watches me. Still clapping, nervous from his gaze I look away. It's less than ten minutes until class ends, so Mr Studdard is letting us talk until then. Soon I hear, "Kelly?"

I'm doodling so I stop but keep looking down at my notebook. Again he calls out, "Hey Kelly?"

Only turning my head, I glance at him. Now I'm looking directly into Aden's wonderful deep, doe-like eyes cradled in long, curled eyelashes. His deep articulate voice soothes me. Giving a sexy grin he asks, "What'd you get?"

Trying to conceal the thrill I feel from him simply calling my name, I twist my lips to the side of my mouth to avoid grinning. I answer with, "I got a "C".

The bell rings and Dallas interrupts, "C'mon man we have to get to the parking lot before the next bell rings. Let's hurry."

Aden replied, "Oh yeah!"

Now near my desk, he says, "See you tomorrow Kelly."

Nodding I mouth, "Okay."

My words were stuck behind the lump in my throat. Since he acknowledged me, I'm floating for the rest of the day. Friday morning, I'm primping like crazy. My mom yells, "Kelly, hurry up so I can get you girls to school on time!"

Giving myself one last look in the mirror, I hurried outside.

As I enter trig, Aden and the usuals stand in the doorway. His boys are being their normal selves as he observes me. I wave to break his gaze but he nods and then looks away. Unable to discern his mood, I exhale and focus on the board.

Aden isn't saying much today, not even to Dallas and definitely not to me. The bell rings in less than a minute. Watching the second hand tick towards 12, the girl behind me taps my arm. I look back and she hands me a folded piece of notepaper. I shrug and she points at Aden. Looking up into his sultry eyes he motions for me to read it. Peeling the folded edges back I read his note and it says:

Will you go out with me Yes ⏹ or No ⏹?

Startled by the blaring bell, I looked his way again, and he motioned for me to write it down. Quickly, I checked "yes" and handed him his note as he walked past. Now reading it he cuts his eyes at me, smirks, and exits the class. 

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