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Zeev knocked and went into the bedroom. Lyra and Victor were lying on the bed, hugging each other. With a smile, the Rebbe tried to picture how the Ingele would react to the person who had taught and saved the young man. Even though many years had passed, Levi didn't appear old, and the rabbi understood why he was a good person. At least, that's what Zeev told himself about it.

The rebbe said in a low voice, "Victor, let's go; they're waiting for you."

"What about me?" Lyra was shocked and said. "What about me?" He can't go anywhere by himself!

Zeev smiled and said, "Of course you, daughter."

"Good job!" As she began to change, the girl was happy.

The children, who showed no shame, smiled at him, demonstrating their understanding. While he was leaving, Zeev thought about what a wonderful daughter Lyra had become. She was kind and gentle, and at first she thought she would hear a yell or even a blow. But over time, she started to think that the worst was over.

Leaving the room with their hands together, the two teens said, "Well, we're ready."

"Are you all set? "All right," Zeev said, pointing the way. He always told them, "Let's go, and don't be afraid of anything."

The Rabbi thought about how these kids had changed his life. Indeed, G-d's tests can vary greatly. G-d bestowed upon him a daughter as a reward for his assistance with those two children. The Rebbe was sure of this. He was now taking the ingénue to someone, possibly her father.

When they finally got to a big conference room, a dozen people were already there. Victor was wary at first, but Lyra clung to him right away. Cohen was talking to the consul when all of a sudden he cut them off and slowly turned to face the newcomers. It was then that Victor saw the man.

"Levi?" The young man inquired as if he couldn't believe what he saw. "Is that you, Levi?" He yelled, "Levi!" and ran at the man.

"Hello, Ingele," Victor said as he caught a smiling Levi Cohen in his arms. "You haven't changed at all..."

"Levi is still alive."

Lyra began to cry as she looked at this scene.

"Levi, you weren't torn apart by dogs... "The SS didn't kill you," the young man cried as he looked at the man.

"Levi helped save me and Victor at the camp," the girl said in a low voice. "But he's so young..."

Cohen told her, "You're back in your own time." "It was slightly different for me, as I was 45 years old and had grown up in our country." "Remember, Ingele, we had a dream?"

"So you're..." "Are you also gifted?" Victor quietly inquired, and the response was a nod.

"Will you be my son?" was the question I posed to Ingele. It was both funny and sad at the same time, but Levi volunteered to try to calm the boy down. Riva performed the same action for Lyra, who was nearby.

After waiting for another rabbi to accept him, they moved to Israel. Ida knew her friends were right when she said that Britain didn't have room for kids after all. The older woman smiled and cut off the long explanations by stroking Lyra.


There was no way Cohen could take the kids to Tel Aviv in a coach because it looked too much like a train car. He had to hire a private jet. Both of them shared the same fear of trains as they did of ships. The gifted individual had to take some time to book a flight, but he managed to do so.

Victor chose not to adopt the name Swenson. Perhaps if it weren't for the camp and Levi, who acted as a father figure to him, Victor might have chosen a different name. Things would have been different if there hadn't been a camp, but Victor was ready to give up a lot to have someone call him father. Meanwhile, Lyra liked her new last name and the fact that she had a mom and a dad. The girl gave her new parents a hug, which they gladly accepted because they loved her very much.

They tried to leave, but the camp wouldn't let them. At night, the camp came back. Those who were unaware of their impending death were making their way to the showers, their children cradled in their arms. Lyra was once again going through the selection process, shaving, and all the subsequent steps. Victor also dreamed of the camp, but this time he saw the gas chamber slowly coming towards them, with its doors sealed tight and naked people everywhere who didn't know what was going to happen. Upon hearing his fiancée's frantic scream, the young man gasped for breath as the gas ignited.

When Riva woke up, she pressed the panic button and ran over to the teens to try to wake them up. This time, though, she was having a hard time because the kids were panting like they were slowly dying.

"Help!" The woman yelled out in tears. At that moment, people rushed into the bedroom because they knew right away it was bad. Lyra pulled herself together, shielding herself from the piercing blows that appeared to sever her in two. Blue-eyed Victor, wheezing, tore off his pyjamas. Riva in a panic...

The doctor at the embassy told the young man, "Oxygen, now!" and put the mask over his face to start pumping oxygen. The young man was then able to breathe.

Say, "Call Cohen!" Riva yelled at the girl, who was slowly awakening.

Levi swore and did something that made Victor open his eyes and start breathing quickly and hysterically. Lyra also opened her eyes and started to cry. She curled up into a ball. Women from the embassy ran to comfort the teens with hugs. They had been through hell again. Everyone understood exactly what had happened.

"Mummy, mummy," the girl screamed as she grabbed Riva and painfully squeezed her arms.

Riva stroked her cheek as she cried and said, "Come on, little one." "There is no more camp, and there will never be more, I promise!"

"Mum... " Lyra couldn't grasp what was going on, so she kept whispering the word.

"Dad..." Before Victor could escape, Levi squished him into his arms.

Cohen, who was now a father, told his son, "It's okay, Inghele. It's okay, it's okay, it's gone." Cohen knew exactly what his son had dreamed because he had dreamed the same things himself.

The boy attempted to speak, but his voice suddenly became extremely hoarse. Riva calmed the girl, who then sobbed and reached for Victor. She cried again because she couldn't take it any longer.

Levi told Victor, "Easy, son!" to calm him down. "Son, it's over. There's no more gas and no more fireplace." You're at home, surrounded by your own people...

The embassy guard sighed and said, "It's like Yad Vashem has come to life." "Bad kids..."

Shulim rushed into the room and told Levi, "Levi, I've made plans. There will be a military flight in thirty minutes. Go home already!" When it became clear that these dreams and attacks could not occur at that time, the military attaché used a variety of options.

Cohen was also worried about his son and said, "Thank you, Lima." He wasn't sure if there was a way to lessen the pain of children's memories, but he considered the possibility of suggesting a solution in their home country.

Vic was scared to shut his eyes. The image of the gas chamber was so vivid in my mind that it was too terrifying to sleep at night. Lyra feared another whipping from the enraged aufseer, who was evidently determined to end her life with a whip. The sight of them removing the girl's clothes and hitting her with such force that it seemed impossible for her to continue was terrifying.

"Shout to Israel!" At first, Victor spoke softly, but then he loudened up his voice.

"The Lord is my God..." Lyra heard the prayer.

In less than a minute, there were two voices in the room, pleading with the Creator with all their might. The Jews who were there fell silent as they heard the prayer that came straight from their young hearts. Following this, Victor immediately began to recite the Kaddish. No one could hold back tears as he said the words of the memorial prayer. His voice was so full of pain and genuine grief. Even Cohen, who uttered the words in hushed tones after his son, refrained from speaking.

One of the women sang in a quiet voice, "There are tears in my eyes; my heart is quietly crying."

Riva shook her head and hugged Lyra and Viktor. "How could they handle all of this?" she asked. "It's not possible..." It's not possible... It's not possible...

Many of the people who were in that bedroom when Riva yelled for help couldn't hold back their tears. Even though they were only teens, they had seen the Shoah. As they realized this, a heavy, cold wind swept over them. The wind felt as if it was blowing over them, causing them to bow their heads in silence. In sorrow, remember the people who died and went to a better place through the crematorium's chimney.

Zeev said in a soft voice, "Get dressed." "You should go home now."

Sura smiled and said, "I'll help my daughter." "All right, let's change and fly home now." She asked Lyra with a lot of love, and the girl just nodded.

Warm, loving hands carefully changed Lyra's clothes, despite her continued fear. Other women helped change Victor's clothes; he was shaking from the horror of it all. One person, seeing the teens' tattoos on their hands for the first time, covered his mouth with the palm of his hand in shock. He couldn't believe their terrifying story and saw proof of what had really happened to these very young people.

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