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Mississippi, were once i though the answers were not as scary as those secrets i hid under my carpet, somehow all has taken a drift, the water in the shower cascade me under molten lava, the piercing water hanging onto my skin as a parasite, but sucking all the blood from me, making me  dizzy and hazy, is as if i could no longer look back to my past life, to were i was with her, and him, to where i used to play in the beach, until my eighteen birthday.

it was hard, the pain. torturing me from the inside out, is a stab to your gut, with no knife, is a hit to your jaw, with no fist, it was tremendous, it woke me that night, i was sleeping on the floor, when i woke, i wondered down the hall of the large house, the windows were half open, the moon light filtrating through, hitting me, warm and cold at the same time,  i was barefooted, the fibers of the rock solid floors relaxing me, i kept going until i reached the porch that gave view to the beach, the waves were wild that night, their crest shinning above the sand, and i felt the pull to drown myself in the beauty before me, it was so strong, as a magnetic pull, dragging myself from the safety of the house walls, into the unknown waters of the pacific, i used to live, lower state, Florida to be exact, they have always warm wheather in the summer, but also in the winter, there is no snow, but pale crisps of ice in the grass, the smoke of air we puff out was the only fun we known from winter, it was candid and solid over there, in here, is rock hard snow that falls, the rivers are icecles, the wind marking you, nothing alike the relaxing winter of Florida, or the summer nights i spend with my hair tight in a braid, always a brown brush swinging from left to right.

i passed the porch with no looking back, my night gown pressed hard against my slim body, the wind moving my hair in a wild dance, i wrapped my arms around myself, hugging the last warm i had from the house, but it was not cold nor warm, it was perfect for a storm, the clouds hovered, the lighting  broke, and with no wait, the wet feel of a drop touched my sensible nose, i tried, to retire myself form the idea, i really did, but that night, that wave, that same feel. woke something so long hidden. i had to dive in. relentless of the ice cold waters numbing my feet, i drove myself deeper into the shallow waters. i breathed in, exhaled out, breathed in, deep and profoud, the sprinkle of the waters coming to my face, touched my lashes and bathed my lips, salt, it was everywhere. i was waist deep, the whole thing was demonic in a kind of way it felt so good, that a smile crept to my wet mouth, and stayed there, as  i heard their screams. the light, the heat, was all forbidden to come to, i didn't turn my head, i didn't even felt the bad vomit rising in my mouth when you feel something terrible is about to happen, i had seen it, and i could not stop it, i will let them burn, their skin to ashes, their mouths to dust, and it will be over, cause at the end of the dream, i had conviced myself, it was all a dream, fabrics and patters of a disturbed mind.

"honey come already, we need to eat before leaving" said mom as i gasped out of the inferno.


"you never talk, why?" Vane was sitted accross from me, the small pub almost outside Dallas a breakfast mini fest, he had not shaved at least for the week, and the bristle of his blonde hair's rising as peach fuzz, it was chilly, the november wheather filling out on the day, the sun was up, but as a small child hiding under bushes, i kept jamming on the pancakes, "i like the food" i said back, he shook his head, and took the plate from my grip "talk to me, what was that?" i lowered the fork, and the knife, for his own safety i remembered, lowered my head in the same motion, but his fingers grazed my chin foward "don't hide, i think you have done enough of that" i bite my lip, holding the tears, i had visions of death, torture and it all came down to me, and someone i didn't know, or someone i did, i had never seen the future, until Vane. i saw what he was, what he did, and it confused me, to see me with him, i was there, as a spy, covering myself away from his madness, he was violent in my vision, ranged from who knows what, his eyes changed, and his skin seemed on fire, but looking up at him, everything seemed not real, "you know what i am?" i asked, wondering, if it had a name, or if it was just a physic thing. he rested back towards the booth, placed his hands on the table, and bite the inside of his cheek "maybe, until you start talking about you, i won't be seduced into more answers, miss Adrian" i almost laughed, loud, rasping through me as a waterfall, but i holded it in, and showed a small grin "i don't like to talk about me, and i'm not seducing you, i don't even know how" he cocked his head and smirked, "you do it freely, with no intentions, you are pure, innocent, that's why i want to know, who are you?" i smiled, almost at the instant "no one." 

in that moment, Vane rose from his seat, walked out of the booth, and rushed to my side 

"then lets find you" 

i seen this, the cute guy that saves you, that initiates a hunt for you, very fairy tale like, the valiant hero, and the heart felt princess

"sorry, i have been looking, all that's left is find who were my parents,i won't stop until then"

Vane was with this enthusiatic grin, the one that never fades, the one you believe in, he kept grinning, and i kept staring, he was using his gift, on me, his god damn persuation, 

"no, is not going to work" i said slowly parting my eyes of his, peeling mines to be more specific, it was like energy what ever he does, he is strong, but i think i was stronger

"fine,i give up, i can't persuade you, until you let me, which has only happened once, luckily i get more shots" he winked as i sat up, and we walked to the exit, 

"in your dream" i replied

"have me in your visions, maybe i will"

we marched away, walking the naked morning streets, we were off to leave to seattle, supposed the people Vane knows must know also something about me, something else, and with the feel of a move, i was afraid the visions might get bloody, and Vane would see, how much of a radar for tsunamis i was.

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