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The visions were back full force, the night the sun, the moon, the caress of a skeleton on my limbs were as of the kiss of Judas, the killer, the treason kissed my mouth and I wanted to yell off, I wanted to screech at the top of a mountain to be heard by somebody, I saw her, a red hair girl no younger than fourteen hung by the neck, on a oak tree, her lifeless body dangling in swaying rythms, the paces of the ticking clock marking the time, it was today, she will be hanged, as witches on Salem,

"noo!" I heard myself scream, it rippled through the empty space of the car, I was on the back, Vane slept on the two front seats, his head dangled among the headrest, but my eyes weren't on him, they were a roaring ship, wanting to sail. I wanted to get out of here, and we were almost there, this place contained the death sentence of many, and they entered my body as a menace of some sorts. I heard my gasps, the skin off my hands was bitten away from the pressing of my nails, the seats were stained by the dripped blood, but my heart was what I was worried about, the insane pulsations that ran along my whole arms and legs and ears was intense, the screams were going off as a alarm, my eyes closed and opened as a elevator door, not knowing where to get off, it was violent the next one, this time was an older man, his yellow half gray hair was covered in mud, his face pleaded to be alive, and they shot him in the head, heartless monsters of selfish intensions, robbers were horrible they were nasty creatures, they were the parasites of the unwelcomed world of chaos,

in seconds, Vane's arms were around me, i fought them at first, tears of melancholy teared through my sheltered emotions, i tried to not get familiarity for those whose dead i see, i tried to ignore it, but this time i was weakened away from my concious decisions, i was counted away from the self restrain i possessed, without relizing it, i feel my wheigh being carried away in strong arms, his heart bumping against my palms, my heat rising towards his, his breathed rasped away, and in his mouth was words, syllables of confidence, i tried to hear him, but catch only few "safe". "i will". "i will keep you safe"

we were approching somewhere moist, the trickled of sprinkled water sprayed my body, and now those jeans could not covered me, nor the short tank top i was with when we left that house in the middle of nowhere, he ran faster, approching some river or some watery place, what he did next i didn't expect. he jumped with me in his arms.

i cringed away from the freezing waters, from the terrible clawing feeling i felt when he drove right with me in his arms, we were wet, the breeze of the night cooling my insides, my lungs trembled, my fingers curled towards his chest, and he whispered soft words "you are with me, i'm here, trust me" he pushed water along my body, i gasped away from the shower he was giving me, the chills my body vibrated against, was intense, but the visions were gone, the screams died out, and i felt my sobs stop, as he paced his hands along my hair line, touching me delicatly as a flower on the middle of September, a rose chilled to the spine, he repeted the words, controlled as he was letting on, he was controlled in his voice his body heated with each step he took to lower the water to fully cover our bodies, "it will get rib off the internal pain" he said as he swam with me in his arms, i was carried as a child, with him, but then i felt warmth spread towards my lips, something was touching them, something was massaging my blood bessels, it was kiss, in that moment i rose from his arms, sprunged out of his reached and raced for the shore, he kissed me, he kissed, me.

after i had walked away towards the car, and gotten ahold of some towels the car had on the trunk i rested my face to the seats, and wressel with the inner demons that were demanding me to go back to him, and give him a beating. he was insane, he really was toying with my feelings telling me to trust him, and he kissed me, without knowing it was my first, i will never forgive him, even though he had my answeres. 

after a few minutes passed, i heard his footsteps, stepping in the car and closing the door with a loud clank, he sighted first, his body still dripping onto the seats, he was going to catch a cold, and it would have been my fault "all i'm trying to do, since i met you, is help you, i know they are painful, i know they kill you inside out" he was right they ripped my inside organs as cancer. ripple effect, may i guess. the thing he didn't know was the fear i had of them coming for me, they were the wind, and i was the grass stuck to the ground, i knew they would catch no matter how far i ran, the church helped me, or i though they did, "why would you want to help me, what are is your payment for doing this?" i asked the question that rested deep in my bones, the question which didn't let me fall asleep sometimes next to him, hunters were always after me, they were fools to think they'll catch me, i ran too fast, and too different, i knew they hunted me for the visions,  i had never witness so much pain on my trail from the moment i stepped in Texas, they were alot of dead people along those desserts, along those sketchy roads, they were everywhere, the valley of souls was were i found them, all eaten alive, each time worst, each time bloodier. Vane turned his head towards the back row of the car, his eyes electric, decending a aura of hatred towards me, they were the bluest, the blue i saw when i met him, though now that seem too far and soo long, "what, is not what you should be asking, and i have my reasons, dear Adrian, a simple thank you would suffice" he said while the left cheek peaked up in a grin, my mouth i knew hanged open in disbelief of how blunt he was, was he really expecting me to trust him, how could i, but even i didn't trust myself, and why would he even he trust me, i could tell what was coming,i was a freak show of deadly visions, and the aftereffect were tantrums of brute aggression. 

"why the kiss?" my body trembled as those last words spiral through my mouth, my lips still humid from the interaction they were not used to, touched. might be the saying, they were touched for the first time, the strange thing is, i was not in shock, nor did the butterflies fly up the pit of my stomach, it was peace that radiated off his full lips, when they touched mines it was so peaceful, such bliss, i had to deny it, at all cost, i could not let him get too close, i could not allow myself to be in this situation with  someone as him, he chuckled while giving me his back " it calmed you didn't it?" i didn't even need to nod or say yes, he knew the answere to my silence. 

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